Help us make SmugMug's Help Center better!

Hey all you lovely Dgrinners!
We are working on rebuilding our entire Help Center to make it much easier to find answers to your most burning SmugMug questions. There's a lot we can, and will, do ourselves. Design, writing, building, etc. The biggest problem though is organizing the information. As people who work at SmugMug, we get blinders by being too familiar with all the content. Does an article about colorspace belong in Uploading related topics, or does it belong in topics about selling prints?
If you want to help us out, it should be quick and painless. It is an exercise called "card sorting". Basically we throw the title of various articles on cards, and you drag them onto the category that makes the most sense to you. There are a few dozen cards, and 8 categories right now (though you can create your own category if nothing makes sense). Don't overthink it, just drag it where it makes sense!
I'd guess it would take 5 or maybe 10 minutes, and would help us out immensely. Totally voluntary, some of you might find it really fascinating to see how Information Architecture gets built. :thumb
The Card Sorting starts here:
Thanks! Love you all! :lust
We are working on rebuilding our entire Help Center to make it much easier to find answers to your most burning SmugMug questions. There's a lot we can, and will, do ourselves. Design, writing, building, etc. The biggest problem though is organizing the information. As people who work at SmugMug, we get blinders by being too familiar with all the content. Does an article about colorspace belong in Uploading related topics, or does it belong in topics about selling prints?
If you want to help us out, it should be quick and painless. It is an exercise called "card sorting". Basically we throw the title of various articles on cards, and you drag them onto the category that makes the most sense to you. There are a few dozen cards, and 8 categories right now (though you can create your own category if nothing makes sense). Don't overthink it, just drag it where it makes sense!
I'd guess it would take 5 or maybe 10 minutes, and would help us out immensely. Totally voluntary, some of you might find it really fascinating to see how Information Architecture gets built. :thumb
The Card Sorting starts here:
Thanks! Love you all! :lust
Smug since 2003
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
puzzledpaul: Yeah, I realized shortly after making this survey that I should have added another category to the Account question. It wouldn't let me add it then.
If you do want to help still, just choose Basic and go from there! Thanks!
Nice idea of getting us involved
I have over 30 responses so far, which is super awesome! I'll probably leave it running over the weekend, and close it on Monday and share some results.
This should make our help pages so much easier to navigate.
The light gray and light green skinny fonts on the help pages are hard to read. I suppose some people might find it aesthetically pleasing, but people look on help pages for basic, readable information, not pretty colors.
Just wait till you guys get older!:):
The categories are interesting in general. I was worried that people would be faced with too much decision anxiety if I didn't create a few "default" categories, but pretty quickly customers have pointed out how my categories don't line up as neatly with their expectations as we would like. I guess that is why we test instead of just assuming we know.
I am planning to turn off the survey sometime tomorrow, and then I will share some data from it.
Thanks for participating!