Tachina fera In Town And Country
I have found quite a few of these on the flowers of Goldenrod in my garden. For these I used my Printing Nikkor 105mm.
A brief visit to open farmland found at least two of these on Bramble flowers, where there was little else in flower at the edge of a field of wheat stubble. These I photographed with my Kiron 105mm.
The shape and colour of the face in profile, together with the patter on the abdomen, make this species readily recognisable. Its size is another clue, being similar to that of the largest hoverflies, Volucella species.
EM-1, twin TTL flash, hand-held.
Something about the first image, to me, makes it look over-processed but it has had minimal processing and this is the third version.

A brief visit to open farmland found at least two of these on Bramble flowers, where there was little else in flower at the edge of a field of wheat stubble. These I photographed with my Kiron 105mm.
The shape and colour of the face in profile, together with the patter on the abdomen, make this species readily recognisable. Its size is another clue, being similar to that of the largest hoverflies, Volucella species.
EM-1, twin TTL flash, hand-held.
Something about the first image, to me, makes it look over-processed but it has had minimal processing and this is the third version.