Managed to do some reasonable cross-eye stereograms of a darter dragonfly on an unusually calm day the other day. All shots natural light and focus stacked using zerene ( I was using wide apertures to try and keep the background OOF).
Brian V.
Would you mind sharing what time of the day these were shot?
I have heard the success rate increases when shooting in the cool start of the day.
Thanks for the comments Ace.
Taken around 10.15 am , I can never find the dragons early in the morning - only see them once it's warmed up. This dragonfly was remarkably tame - it got used to me whilst shooting and I ended up with it posing on my finger.
Love the clarity.
Would you mind sharing what time of the day these were shot?
I have heard the success rate increases when shooting in the cool start of the day.
Thanks for the comments Ace.
Taken around 10.15 am , I can never find the dragons early in the morning - only see them once it's warmed up. This dragonfly was remarkably tame - it got used to me whilst shooting and I ended up with it posing on my finger.
Brian v.
(and even Essex - when I get it wrong!