RAW by Adobe ACR V.S. Capture ONE PRO

So far I used to use Adobe ACR for my RAW files from my Canon 350D (CR2) with a lot of satisfaction. Recently I've tried Capture One Pro and I've got very superior result in color, noise removal, sharpening !!!.
After RAW conversion in Capture One Pro, I did not have even to worry with Noise Ninja noise removal, neather use USM or Nik Sharpener !
What's wrong with Adobe ACR 3.1 ?
After RAW conversion in Capture One Pro, I did not have even to worry with Noise Ninja noise removal, neather use USM or Nik Sharpener !
What's wrong with Adobe ACR 3.1 ?
... better late than never ...
I used Capture One Pro for a long time. I actually was getting noise added in the JPEG compression with it. Nothing in TIFF, but JPEG was NG.
What I REALLY liked about COP was that it could soft-proof CMYK, so that I could read the numbers on the skin tones and get them dialed in during RAW conversion.
Ultimately, laziness got the best of me, and CS2 is my one-stop shop....
I should look into selling the license, mebbe...
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