High School Volleyball with the D750 and 85 f/1.8D
While my 70-200 and 28-70 are at APS for cleaning and repair, I pulled out the 85 f/1.8D to use with my D750. This gym is new and actually has windows that let in some really decent light. I was surprised by the 85 1.8 - even though I did miss focus on about 10% of my shots it performed better than expected for a screw-drive lens. I didn't have to go very high on ISO, resulting in some pretty clean photos. The highest ISO used was 3200.
I have to say that I'm growing into my D750 - my shots are getting better as I fine-tune the camera for each type of shooting. I shot manual for this match @ 1/1000 and stayed at either f/2.5 or f/2.2. Auto ISO was set at 1/1000 minimum too, so the ISO could compensate in dark areas when needed, resulting in very even exposure.
I have to say that I'm growing into my D750 - my shots are getting better as I fine-tune the camera for each type of shooting. I shot manual for this match @ 1/1000 and stayed at either f/2.5 or f/2.2. Auto ISO was set at 1/1000 minimum too, so the ISO could compensate in dark areas when needed, resulting in very even exposure.