Pissed off, hope someone can help

Good Morning,
Don't get me wrong with below message I've been a longtime member..and I've always loved smugmug.com..but at this moment...see next.
This morning I opened my gallery..and to my surprise I couldn't go to my "old" fashioned style gallery. It kept on directing me to go to the "new" style of my gallery..and now I'm stuck with it. I'm really pissed off.
I don't mind the new style gallery for my "small' galleries but it's a terrible for my one huge gallery.
The huge gallery is actually a personal storage place for all my photos...and it's a huge collection over 300 GB
I hate the fact that I couldn't choose for the old or the new like the last couple of times.
What's happening...:dunno??
Don't get me wrong with below message I've been a longtime member..and I've always loved smugmug.com..but at this moment...see next.
This morning I opened my gallery..and to my surprise I couldn't go to my "old" fashioned style gallery. It kept on directing me to go to the "new" style of my gallery..and now I'm stuck with it. I'm really pissed off.
I don't mind the new style gallery for my "small' galleries but it's a terrible for my one huge gallery.
The huge gallery is actually a personal storage place for all my photos...and it's a huge collection over 300 GB
I hate the fact that I couldn't choose for the old or the new like the last couple of times.
What's happening...:dunno??
See help page at http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/1240194-how-do-i-change-settings-for-multiple-galleries-at-once-.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I'm sorry to hear you are unhappy with the new site. We can definitely help with your questions and any customization tweaks you'd like to make to get the new site looking how you would like. If you can email us directly at help@smugmug.com from the email address tied to your site, we'd be happy to help get this sorted out for you.
SmugMug Support Hero
Click "Customize" and in the drop pick "Gallery Style". Select "Smugmug".
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For example you have:
*category: Male Photoshoots
*Subcategory: Male Name (1448 names)
* Galleries: name of photographer
when you select all male names you can't change all of the settings you can only do a minimum of changes! And I don't want to go through all the separate male names
And this also counts for the gallery settings...to smugmug I can't do that at once!
Did you look at the help page I linked in this post earlier in this thread? That shows how to change settings for multiple galleries at once.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
From the help page (also linked in post above) at http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/1240194-how-do-i-change-settings-for-multiple-galleries-at-once-: --- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
For "Appearance" tab check "Gallery Style" then select type.
When the contents of the folder is on the right only select galleries. You can "select all" at the top but check that only
galleries highlight. If pages or sub-folders are present uncheck them.
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Because when I highlight all the names of the males I get these settings...(see attachement)
Isn't there another way..?
Click folder on left tree.
All its gallereis show on right.
Click "Select All" at top.
Click Settings
Go to "Appearance" tab check "Gallery Style" then select type.
Sounds like with the vast majority of galleries being these you might change "site design" to the style you want and get everything.
Then change the others to the style you want for them. Do them by folders in bulk in Organizer.
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When you're doing any bulk changes for folders, galleries, or pages, you need to have the same directory type selected. This mean you would need to select all the Galleries in a folder and only galleries. If there are other folders or pages also in the folder, make sure they are not selected. Then the 'Settings' button will become available and you can sync all the settings for the selected galleries in one fell swoop. At this time there's no way to make efits to ALL galleries on the account, aside from moving them all into the same folder.
I hope this info helps.
SmugMug Support Hero -
My wife just had an "enforced" opening of the new SmugMug as I think you did. I'm not sure if she faced exactly the same problem you have, but let me explain what happened to her and a work-around we came up with. Maybe this will help or at least inspire some directions to work on.
It appears the new SmugMug conversion used a copy of the basic SmugMug design that had the color theme for each gallery and folder set individually rather set to the than to the site-wide defaults. There may have been a few other other folder- and gallery-specific modifications as well. (I've written "It appears" and "There may" because it's still not clear what the start-up state of all the folders and galleries actually was. There seems to have been some inconsistencies, but my wife may have diddled some things unknowingly as she was exploring the new SM in the first few minutes.) These folder- and gallery-specific settings may have reflected something on her old SM site. SmugMug may have been trying to be helpful in the conversion. BUT, doing so limited flexibility horribly. When she tried to do something simple like change the site-wide theme (or the folder or gallery templates) nothing happened. Those folder- and gallery-specific modifications took precedence. It looked for a while like she was going to have to touch all her galleries (only 100+ in her case) and clean up the customizations one-by-one. Let's just say her language was perhaps more colorful than "pissed off" at that point!
We found an alternative: re-start the process with a new copy of the SmugMug design (or some other). We went to Customize/Choose a Site Design and chose SmugMug again. The folder- and gallery-specific modifications didn't carry over to that. So then we could work by just editing the site, homepage, folder, and gallery templates. When in customize mode, we hit the Setting button up top to change the name of newly-customized design to something more memorable than "Copy of SmugMug".
Again, I'm not sure if that's going to solve what you are facing, but it's a direction to explore.
That's an excellent suggestion! I'll be sure to pass it along to the Heroes to let them recommend this as well, if other customers write in with similar concerns.
For what it's worth, we wanted to make things less aggrivating to users who upgrade to the New SmugMug by importing their themes over. When we looked at the number of users who had set themes, and the number of foldres/galleries with custom themes set on them, it was extremely high. Users also wrote into the Desk complaining that the themes they had selected were not being brought over to New SmugMug, so as part of our recent efforts to make upgrading to New SmugMug easier, we began importing all your themes over. The assumption was: if you took the time to apply a theme in the Old SM, you would want it on the New SmugMug. I'm glad you were able to find a work-around!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations