Need Feedback on My SmugMug Design
I just updated my old SmugMug design to the new one. I would really appreciate people feedback on my new design. Thanks, ANDubin
This is the link to my new SmugMug design is
This is the link to my new SmugMug design is
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No one will see your top folder gallery or sub-folder images without the PW.
This is much more efficient then adding the PW to everything below. You can start a different password at any
folder below also.
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any keywords in your Family area will be added to your keyword cloud?
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Thanks, I added the ccs to the menu bar. I like it a lot better now.
I just added the password to total family photos. Thanks ADubin
Logged out, PWs in passworded galleries will not show.
A visitor will not see these PWs from passworded galleries because they are not logged in. But when
they enter a passworded area using the area PW all the PWs from this passworded area will show in the
keyword list.
I have almost all of my family photos tagged with a persons name. They can then go to the KW list
after entering the family PWed area and pick any name and see all the photos from multiple galleries.
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