Smugmug screwy problems.

I just realized I put this in the wrong category, can admin or a mod please move?
Seeking help or information.
As I try to get my new site designed to reveal, the last week I have been unable to:
Do anything but browse or upload to an existing gallery.
Organize in new smug will not let me view, create or delete anything, Error's for everything.
Customize goes to a blank page....
will constantly require me to re-log in, sometimes from the main page.
No control at all....
Windows 7, Chrome.
Smug user troyraymond.
Thank You in advance.
Seeking help or information.
As I try to get my new site designed to reveal, the last week I have been unable to:
Do anything but browse or upload to an existing gallery.
Organize in new smug will not let me view, create or delete anything, Error's for everything.
Customize goes to a blank page....
will constantly require me to re-log in, sometimes from the main page.
No control at all....
Windows 7, Chrome.
Smug user troyraymond.
Thank You in advance.
SmugMug Support Hero
I can't share screen shots because I have no place to store them.
If you're on Win7, you can use the Windows Snipping Tool to make a screen shot and save it to your desktop as a .jpg. Then you can attach the file to any email or include it as an attachment on Dgrin.
I've thought of revealing the new site and quickly getting it acceptable, but I don't want to reveal a new site and still not have any control.
Would you mind clearing your browser cookies related to your custom domain? Josh did clear your cookies related to SmugMug, but hopefully clearing the custom domain cookies will do the trick. I also ask that you please allow 3rd party cookies in your browser. Additionally, login from our homepage ( and you should be good to go.
If you continue to have trouble, please let us know.
SmugMug Support Hero
I unveiled the new smug site thinking this would solve the problems, now I have a home page with a non linked menu.
Customize goes to a blank page where I can do nothing, it works on my tablet but I can't drag to create anything.
Organize gives me the attached error when I click on anything.
I log into the Smug main page every time.