
I just saw the most frightening thing. Just logged into Old site and a colored box
showed up pointing up to "Publish New Smugmug".
I don't think this really means that, I hope. That looks the final step to lose the Old site.
Although you can't click on it I think some wording should be there that this is not
the final "Publish New Smugmug" but only the first step and the actual "Publish New Smugmug"
will be later after you review and customize you new site in the sandbox. The "Let's Go" button
will get you into the first step.
showed up pointing up to "Publish New Smugmug".
I don't think this really means that, I hope. That looks the final step to lose the Old site.
Although you can't click on it I think some wording should be there that this is not
the final "Publish New Smugmug" but only the first step and the actual "Publish New Smugmug"
will be later after you review and customize you new site in the sandbox. The "Let's Go" button
will get you into the first step.
Thanks for pointing this out. I'm going to have it moved to the "Learn about New SmugMug" button.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
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Yep ... working on changing it as we speak
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
We'll now point at the "Learn about New SmugMug" button and have also changed the button to say "Got It" so it's less misleading that something will happen.
Screen Shot 2015-08-31 at 6.37.39 PM.png
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
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Alternative: Visit your will-remain-private-until-you-publish, New Smugmug Site and see what's possible
EXactly, ChancyRat -- and also, why is the "PUBLISH" button right there so freaking close to the other buttons?? And no, Aaron, I do not get what that "got it" thing means. I have never understood what it does when you click "got it"??!! It's cute, & that's all. If all you techie guys can't think like non-techies, that's fine, but just... get some real dodos in there to look over every page that has new wording & tell you what stuff means (or doesn't mean) to them & what makes no sense whatsoever. I'll volunteer, if you wanna fly me out to CA or whatever.. :giggle
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
"Click here to continue to site"
It's like all those little cute icons I added text to so normal folks had a clue rather then blindly clicking something.
My Website index | My Blog
Alright, so it's clear the the phrase "Got It" appears to be a little confusing. The arrow has been removed from this blue guide, so that it no longer points to anything. This guide wasn't meant to require any action. The message says that we've returned you to the Sandbox (New SmugMug Preview). It's just there to let you know why your SmugMug is back in Sandbox when you last had it in Old SmugMug. Clicking "Got It" means, "I've read that I'm back in Sandbox and I understand when I close this that I'll be able to explore the New SmugMug."
Chancy, at this point, users are already returned to the Sandbox. They can close the blue guide (by clicking "Got It") and then they can click "Back to Old SmugMug" if they want, though Old Smugmug is retiring in a month and a half. We're trying to encourage people to get comfortable with New SmugMug.
We've also done a lot of work trying to make the SmugMug design that users see for the first time very familiar. If they had a bio, they'll have a Profile. If they had Galleries, they'll see galleries. If they had Categories, they'll see folders. If they had a map, a slideshow, and recent photos, they'll see those too. If they had picked themes, those will carry over as well. This is a fairly recent update that we've pushed to make moving to New SmugMug easier.
Lastly, Winsome, we've made it very difficult to accidentally publish your New SmugMug site. Not only is there a confirmation window, we also make you type the word "publish" before we will reveal your site to your visitors.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: