Can I do this Menu in SM?
I would like to do something like the menu on this site. Fundamentally, there is a "sticky" submenu that appears when at the home page (called Portfolio on his site). At first I thought, just use CSS to create horizontal sub menus, but then they are only visible when you hover over their parent. Is there a way to create sticky submenus via customization? One caveat, I would want it to retain its responsive nature so that it also looks good on mobile, as the referenced site does.
It turns out it may be easier than I had thought, except there is one minor difference between my solution and the example I referenced. What I have done is add centered text to the top of my gallery page, and added a link to each text item (e.g., All, Portrait, Street in the referenced example). These links then call up their respective galleries. This works similar to the example except when I scroll down my "sub menu" moves up and "under" the stationary header. His entire page scrolls as a unit giving a more professional look. I would prefer that mine work like his, or that my "sub menu" would remain locked to real menu when the rest of the page scrolls up/down. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this clearly enough but I'll post mine when I finish - probably a couple weeks away though.
If anyone can follow my description here and has a suggestion for fixing this minor issue I would appreciate hearing it.
Now I understand what you mean by "sticky" in your first post.
Glad you found the solution - looking at that site I thought it would be easy enough to duplicate.
Although, fyi, when I first clicked that link, it took an abnormally large amount of time to populate images. The second visit went more quickly.
I've run into a snag, maybe someone can help me resolve? I have the three text links, each opens a different gallery onto the home page. This works well. But I also want to have my default gallery already open when someone visits the homepage. In other words, they shouldn't have to select one of the links unless they want to view a different gallery than the default already displayed. Here is what I have been able to do but each has an issue:
1. I tried the multiple photos content block and it does display my chosen gallery as a grid upon selecting the home page, but I can't control the grid spacing like I can with the gallery content block.
2. I tried the gallery content block with folders, galleries & pages and chose my default gallery but this just displays the one image that then has to be clicked to open the gallery in a grid.
3. I tried the gallery content block with folders, galleries & pages and chose top level and it gives me the grid display style I want, but of course it shows all my galleries and folders.
So, any suggestions how I can have a gallery display on my home page in a grid (where I can set the grid spacing) without having to first click the gallery image?
Thanks, Jerry
vertical, collage landscape or collage portrait.
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