Remove search page from my site?
Hi there,
I was curious if anyone would possibly have a solution to a problem I am having.
If I type /search after my website URL, it brings me to a search page. From there anyone visiting my website can search through the images in all of my galleries. I have galleries that are not public and not linked in my website. People now have access to all of the images through the search bar as a backdoor around some security.
Is there any way to actually remove the search page or remove the search bar on the search page?
Thanks for any help you might have.
I was curious if anyone would possibly have a solution to a problem I am having.
If I type /search after my website URL, it brings me to a search page. From there anyone visiting my website can search through the images in all of my galleries. I have galleries that are not public and not linked in my website. People now have access to all of the images through the search bar as a backdoor around some security.
Is there any way to actually remove the search page or remove the search bar on the search page?
Thanks for any help you might have.

Also add a text or html box with words saying something like "Search is disabled on this site".
.sm-page-search .sm-search {display:none}
Just tried this and seems to work.
Will remove this shortly.
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Log out of your site and try searching again. Those non-public results should only come up for you when you're logged in. Visitors won't have access to any of that. If private/unlisted results still appear when you're logged out, then you can panic.
That worked perfectly. Thanks a lot, Allen. I really appreciate your help!
all you're trying to hide, the search page change is not necessary. But anyone entering a password for
a protected gallery will be able to search in those galleries. Same with keywords, they are hidden
from PW'ed galleries until the gallery PW is entered. One big advantage to this is if there are many family
galleries behind one PW, the /keyword page will now show the family KW's after the PW is entered.
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I also want to keep my website site files gallery from being searchable. When I set it to private, some of the images in my website pages go missing.
In the end, I don't need any search function on my website, so I am happy with just removing it all together.
Thanks again for the help!
Really, try it. Unlisted galleries aren't searchable unless you're logged in. Unless you've discovered a massive security flaw. But luckily you didn't. Hiding the search box with css might make you feel better, but that's doing nothing for your site's security. Making sure your private and unlisted galleries can't be found by searching should make you feel much better.
a password on passworded galleries will keep others out.
Unlisted would not be good if you have many. You'd have to provide a link for every one of them.
Turning off Web Searchable and SmugMug Searchable in gallery settings will also help.
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Everything is all good on all fronts now. Thanks again.