Specify number of Downloads allowed for the Download button
I love the fact that my clients can download their gallery now. Some of my packages include all the photos. But I don't want them to be able to send this email to everyone and their friends so that the gallery is downloaded by everyone. Their included download is for personal use...but it's hard to get that fact across so they still send any link I send out to everyone.
So I would like to be able to specify how many times a gallery is allowed to be downloaded. Before that feature I can't really use this great option for file delivery to my clients.
Thank you so much for your time
So I would like to be able to specify how many times a gallery is allowed to be downloaded. Before that feature I can't really use this great option for file delivery to my clients.
Thank you so much for your time
Once they have the files, you can't control what they do with them. Whether they share the download link or they post them all to their own site or Facebook, it's out of your hands. You'll need to be clear about how downloaded images may be used, but limiting the number of downloads won't really help. But you could allow gallery access using "people I choose" to require them to log in... At least making it a little harder to share the link.
So if I send them an email with the link and password to a gallery that people can BUY stuff from and I tell them to just forward this to anyone they want to. And from there everyone will be able to see their photos. That email will probably be forward to everyone...because it's so easy. But If I also send them an email with a link to where they can download the photos for free....which link will they send out to friends and family? ...forward either email is just as easy. If I instead send them an email with a link for downloading the files one time and then it will not work anymore....what email will they forward to their friends?
I should also add that I do know a lot of my wedding clients would be to busy and/or lazy....or not even care if all their friends had all the photos from the wedding...so for them to setup a dropbox folder or some other way of sharing their private download would be to much work and they would just forward the email I sent to them....with the link to where people can buy things..
Just my 2 cents....I understand that it might not be a good enough reason to implement it but I would still use it all the time!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
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