Smart Phones and Right-Click Protection

I am wondering how I can get right-click protection on smart phones. Even with right-click protection on a gallery, I can still download the image to my phone by long-pressing on the photo an a menu appears.
I have seen others where you can not copy or save the photo. In fact, if you try, a warning pops up and tells you the image is copyright protected.
Is there a way to do this via code or another setting?
Thanks in advance.
I have seen others where you can not copy or save the photo. In fact, if you try, a warning pops up and tells you the image is copyright protected.
Is there a way to do this via code or another setting?
Thanks in advance.
It simply means you can not use the right click button to access the file.
People can still get the photo using other methods (eg screen save or go and get the cached image)
If people can see the image on a screen, they can get a copy of it.
The question becomes what image quality they get.
Never allow visitors to see your "Original" sized versions.
I have mine limited to XL size - but you need to choose what works for you (balance of protection vs viewing experience)
I also have all of my images watermarked (in my case slap bang dead centre - which is probably not suited to landscapes/portraits, but mine are all sports images)
So in my case, a screenshot or cached image will be low resolution and have my watermark dead centre.
I've run into other non-SMugMug sites that you can not get the image unless you screen grab. In fact, on my S6, if you press and hold on an image, a dialog box come up saying the images are copyrighted and owned by the photographer. It does not allow you to download/save the photo. So I know there is a way for that to happen, and that's what I'm trying to find out. Especially wedding clients that are taking them from my site.
I too have it set to XL size, right click protect, but they still take them. I see it them posting the images on Facebook with my website watermark.
Pablo Conrad Photography
Seattle, WA, USA
c: 206-450-8632
Huh? People want to post their wedding pictures on Facebook? That's crazy! Oh wait, no it's not. Why not let them? This is a battle you won't win since they can get the images with or without right click protection (they're all in the browser's cache). Might as well include low res watermarked images for social media in your price and quit fighting with clients. Times have changed!
Edit: I see it's already in your pricing! Good job, you can shut right click protection off and have one less annoyance.
I agree that you should in fact provide "web" images.
Now I don't know if this works with every phone out there, but I use this code for my right click protection:
.sm-tooltip-content:after {
content: 'Insert your message here.';
visibility: visible;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
background-color: #000000;
border-radius: 8px;
font-size: 150% ;
width: 425px;
height: 140px;
As I said, there are other ways of downloading one of your images that by-passes "right click disabled"
As soon as I see one of your photos on my computer screen, a copy of it will be in my browser cache - I don't need to screen shot it. I can get your photo from my browser cache.
What I am trying to re-iterate is that you CAN NOT prevent people from downloading your images - you CAN stop them from getting it by right-clicking and choosing download ... but people can use OTHER methods to get it.
So the best you can do is LIMIT what images people CAN get - low resolution/watermarked.
My images get taken every single week - but it has my watermark on it and it's only low res, so I see it as advertising for me.