How to add link to Contact form?
I'm having trouble figuring out what address to use for linking to my Contact page from my custom About page. The about page text is in an HTML block. The Contact page is the stock SM page, and is in the top level menu. I select the Contact page from my menu no problem. But when I hover over the Contact menu to get the URL I'm seeing
How do I find the correct address for the stock contact form so I can create a relative link to it?
""I've tried the following without success in my About page HTML block:
<a href="#">Contact</a>
<a href="contact">Contact</a>
How do I find the correct address for the stock contact form so I can create a relative link to it?
<a href="#" class="sm-page-widget-nav-contact">Contact Me</a>
Edit: tried it and doesn't seem to work.
My Website index | My Blog
One option is instead of using Smugmug's stock Contact Form, you can add a Wufoo form to your "About" page...or create a separate Contact page containing a Wufoo form and link to it from your About page.
You can set up a free Wufoo account and design your own "contact me" page that will then be a URL. My example: