Bulk Gallery Creation & Uploading
Hello All, I'm in desperate need here. In the past we used StarExplorer to great all of our galleries and do the bulk uploading. But it has not been updated yet to work with the new SM.
Can somebody recommend a new program to at least help us bulk create galleries and hopefully upload.
Can somebody recommend a new program to at least help us bulk create galleries and hopefully upload.
The closest thing I have found to quickly create galleries is the Lightroom Plugin for Smugmug.. It doesn't do bulk but you can create quickly.. Also you can upload using that a as well.. Smart Galleries is not for SM when creating in LR.. Those still have to be created online.
Sportsshooter.com Member
SmugMug Support Hero
There is one caveat to the LR plugin for Smugmug, the ability to Create Smart Galleries is not compatible with your smugmug site and is only for your Computer. The Plugin will create a Regular Gallery on your site not a smart one, this is not documented anywhere on Smugmugs site or help files. Found out the hard way after creating 110 Smart galleries that well weren't.
Sportsshooter.com Member