Another series after the first series in a while :)
I'm seeing some banding going on here with some of the shots. Need to find out why that's happened.
Clipped a wing but it was the best shot I managed to get of this bee

Honeys on the heather.

Also clipped a wing here but worth it for the face

Hover series

Big bad Wolf?, nah was a lickle pussy cat
Clipped a wing but it was the best shot I managed to get of this bee

Honeys on the heather.

Also clipped a wing here but worth it for the face

Hover series

Big bad Wolf?, nah was a lickle pussy cat

I don't see anything wrong.
I like the low angles.
There is a tiny bit of banding but what I was seeing was an exaggerated effect as a result of my web browser being at a lower display size than it should be. Not so much a resolution issue but it wasn't displaying the image at 100% zoom, more like 80%. It's down to the fact that I have a 27" monitor which runs at 2560x1440 and even with decent eyesight, I have to set the DPI to a custom of 110% so it kinda screws with browsers (very silly).
Re. the Low angles, yeah I think it's nice to get down beneath the insect as opposed to above, shooting from above makes composition and perspective a little awkward looking at times.
My Smugmug gallery
Brian V.
I also have a 27" (really a TV). Mine is set at 1920 x 1080. I find that this forum shows up artefacts a bit more than the host forum.
Yes I have desaturated it a touch. I find shooting down low in the amongst the mud and soil that shots can sometimes look far too brown for my liking so I pulled some of the colour out.
Ps. Harold, it's Ian
My Smugmug gallery