Bug odds and sods 08-09

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden
Brian v.
Female speckled bush cricket - strong natural light

The "pondmaster" male common darter dragonly by my large pond

Plume moth

Speckled wood butterfly portrait

Kiss Kiss - black ants I assume transferring food

Forest shieldbug

Potter wasp on the hunt

Brian v.
Female speckled bush cricket - strong natural light

The "pondmaster" male common darter dragonly by my large pond

Plume moth

Speckled wood butterfly portrait

Kiss Kiss - black ants I assume transferring food

Forest shieldbug

Potter wasp on the hunt

I think your Darter male is the Ruddy Darter Sympetrum sanguineum, based on the intense red colour and the slender middle segments of the abdomen. I can't see properly but I don't think the black extends downwards in front of the eyes.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions Harold and SB - appreciated
Brian V.