Randomize gallery image

In legacy, if you don't specify a featured image, the pic shown for the gallery in a category display of galleries is taken at random from the gallery. I have not published yet, but in the preview it always seems to show the same pic, even though no feature was specified. I would like it to be random, but I haven't found a setting that supports the old behavior. Am I missing something or is random selection no longer offered?
It was requested soon after new smug became available in the thread Random Thumbnails. Also requested on the official feedback site at http://feedback.smugmug.com/forums/17723-smugmug/suggestions/5006961-randomize-the-feature-photo-image.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Actually getting a random image chosen from your gallery as the cover does work, however if you have a large number of galleries and folders in one set it does not work on everyone. There is a design issue with the randomizer and the many lower level on galleries that may not have it work everytime..
Sportsshooter.com Member
There is no invoke they just appear, I have been on new SM since a few weeks after launch. I do have galleries from time to time that don't populate the cover but most do.. I have a large amount of galleries in folders using Smart Galleries and 99% of the time they grab a cover photo.. I don't have to choose.. Am I correct about why folks are asking for?? BTW the scale comments came from the principles of the company..
Sportsshooter.com Member