One page with open photo and open video galleries?
I would like to have two galleries open on a single page, one with photos and another with videos. I don't want the photos and video to display in the same gallery - I need them separated. The photos part is easy - just use the multiple photos content block to place an "opened" gallery. But there doesn't seem to be an equivalent for videos. I would appreciate a nudge in the right direction if this is possible.
You can not separate photos and videos if in the same gallery.
If this is one gallery you want this separation you could add keywords to the photos and videos in a gallery
like galleryX_photos and galleryX_videos. Create a smart gallery for each KW then you'd have a gallery for
each multiple photo widget, one for photos and other for videos.
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Thanks Allen. I have set it as two galleries (photos, videos.) with same parent folder. I tried your good suggestion but had two issues: 1) I assume because it is the multiple photo widget, the play symbol doesn't appear on the video icon, and 2) I'm not able to find a way to get the video to play within its container. Instead, it opens in the light table and the play experience is not very good compared to Vimeo. The SM version is choppy, the Vimeo version plays quite smoothly.
I did find that I can put a multiple photo widget AND a video widget on the page IF I create the page from the Video gallery rather than from the photo gallery. But of course the video performance was still quite poor.
I've decided the best way to go for me is to use the Vimeo embed. It defaults to playing in the embed container, and the quality of play is much better than with the SM player. I think video is still the red-headed stepchild for SM.