Pinning menu and related questions

I want to pin my horizontal menu, and in fact did so at one point but I'm unable to recreate it. The pinning option on All Site offers only pinning the header. I can't figure out how to create a header from the customize panel and put the menu into it. Is it somewhere else?
Next question: assuming I manage to get the menu pinned, I want to make its background opaque, not transparent. I'm guessing that it would only take a single line of CSS, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
Final question: Are there any recommendations for learning CSS in general and using browser developer tools to reverse engineer a page and make the kind of CSS tweaks I need here?
Edit: I seem to have managed to pin the menu site-wide. Don't ask me how I did it, because I really don't know. I had a site-wide menu which scrolled. I then set the homepage to independent (which is the only way I could see a header section), dragged a new menu widget into it and pinned the header. It didn't seem to behave right, so I set independent homepage to off and deleted the menu I had put in the header. Now things are back to the way they were, except the menu is pinned, which is what I wanted. None of this makes any sense at all to me. It makes me nervous to think that I might be relying on a bug, not a feature. :scratch :dunno
Anyway, I still need to make the menu background non-transparent, but I can't figure out what its widget name is. :bash
Next question: assuming I manage to get the menu pinned, I want to make its background opaque, not transparent. I'm guessing that it would only take a single line of CSS, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
Final question: Are there any recommendations for learning CSS in general and using browser developer tools to reverse engineer a page and make the kind of CSS tweaks I need here?
Edit: I seem to have managed to pin the menu site-wide. Don't ask me how I did it, because I really don't know. I had a site-wide menu which scrolled. I then set the homepage to independent (which is the only way I could see a header section), dragged a new menu widget into it and pinned the header. It didn't seem to behave right, so I set independent homepage to off and deleted the menu I had put in the header. Now things are back to the way they were, except the menu is pinned, which is what I wanted. None of this makes any sense at all to me. It makes me nervous to think that I might be relying on a bug, not a feature. :scratch :dunno
Anyway, I still need to make the menu background non-transparent, but I can't figure out what its widget name is. :bash
What I found to be easiest was plug in the various blocks first, then tweak with css. There is a lot of customization that can happen before you begin adding code (which I feel is a vast improvement), it just takes some time to figure out how it all meshes together.
There doesn't seem to be an option to add a header block. There's also no option to pin the menu in the layout panel. I suspect that somehow my menu is being treated as a header (which I set to be pinned). But I don't know why.
I think if you select entire site, anything you drag to the area above the box that says "SITE CONTENT" will be placed in the header, and anything you drag to the area below that box will be in the footer. (I could be wrong about that, but that's the only thing that makes sense to me.)
--- Denise
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky