Couple of questions regarding new design
I have just transitioned over to the new SmugMug and can't figure out how to do a couple of things and was hoping someone could help.
1. Can I center the SmugMug footer information?
2. How can I make the main image (the one selected, not the thumbnails) on each gallery larger? Right now they just seem kind of small.
1. Can I center the SmugMug footer information?
2. How can I make the main image (the one selected, not the thumbnails) on each gallery larger? Right now they just seem kind of small.
- Customize
- Content and Design
- Settings
For SmugMug style galleries I'm not aware of a way to specify the size of the large photos. It appears that you have set some pretty wide margins on your page though - it might be worth setting the margins to something smaller. Also, take a look at the customizations on this page to see if there is anything that helps.--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Obviously this appearance will change depending what device someone is using, but when I look at your gallery in comparison to mine on the same screen, yes, your main images are much smaller. But like I said, I haven't really had "pro" guidance on my layout, so I can't tell you if there's a good reason to have larger margins. Idk if loading time is affected per image when they're really large either... possibly, although I see no noticeable difference between yours & mine. (btw, when I'm talking about side margins, I mean exactly the settings that are shown in Denise's screenshot. I now have my bottom margins at "0 px" and top margins at 4 px or 8 px, & these too can affect some display sizes, I believe. In Denise's screenshot, both top & bottom are set at "0")
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
to fit. Any side margins will affect what area is available. I have small side margins because
I added a border around the content and without slight margins the borders would bang the sides.
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