That's neat you were able to get a stack out of it. I remember when I tried taking photos of one a while ago - it was so fast that it could literally escape the frame before the shutter sequence finished. Subject in frame - click the shutter. During the time it took for the EFCS to blank and start recording and the preflash to sync up with the TTL RC flash, the fly was able to fly away, dance around the edge of a leaf, and be back in the frame by the time the 1/250 exposure actually finished. Took like 60 goes for him to sit still long enough.
That's neat you were able to get a stack out of it. I remember when I tried taking photos of one a while ago - it was so fast that it could literally escape the frame before the shutter sequence finished. Subject in frame - click the shutter. During the time it took for the EFCS to blank and start recording and the preflash to sync up with the TTL RC flash, the fly was able to fly away, dance around the edge of a leaf, and be back in the frame by the time the 1/250 exposure actually finished. Took like 60 goes for him to sit still long enough.
All lovely images but it is the third one for me.
Thanks for the comments Harold and Piggsy.
Piggsy - yes they can be very flash sensitive - the ttl pre-flash is enough to spook them.
Brian v.