Migration gotchas, anybody?

After a fairly intense couple of weeks, I think I'm just about ready to unveil my new site. Before I pull the trigger, I thought I would ask what surprises (if any) people have had on publishing for the first time? No need to list bugs or feature requests covered in other threads. My concern at this point is if there are any differences between the live version and the preview in the sand pile, especially in the visitor view.
Thanks :thumb
Thanks :thumb
You can not see them in NewSmug.
If you don't ... and you need your passwords, contact the help desk and they will send you a list.
I'm pretty sure they can only send Legacy passwords.
Any password protected galleries created in NewSmug are just ****** to you and Smugmug.
If you forget a password in NewSmug, you will need to reset the password for that gallery - which is a problem if you need to contact a bunch of people to tell them what the new password is.
I just keep an Excel file to record all my passwords.
Thank you for that info.
I think as "Pro" accounts, we should have an option to see the password, or at least have it e-mailed to us for a particular gallery should we need to give it to a client again. I'd hate to have a bride and groom notify their entire extended family and we had to reset the password.
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The change to the Gallery Passwords is a security concern. You trust us with your photos and in order to keep them safe and private we have to take measures like this to ensures your gallery passwords are safe. As a Pro, it would be a lot more embarrassing for someone to get into a clients private photos, then to have to reset the password and re-distribute. With the New SmugMug we opted for the secure option. You only have to look at the news headlines to see how important photo security is.
Hmm... that sounds strange, it should have worked immediately. Over the past few months I've migrated tens of accounts and never seen this. I'll have QA dig into this.
If you use Chrome, Sherlock Photograph created a SmugMug plugin that will also backup your CSS for you.
While it's always good to have a backup, everything remains the same when you publish.
Glad people could chime in. The gallery passwords are the big one that I can think of.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
I did hit one gotcha, which I'll share for the benefit of those who have yet to publish. Despite extensive testing in the sandbox preview, I had two navigation failures (404s) when I published. With the help of Smug Hero Tomasz (
If the preview had a visitor view option, I would have avoided this problem. I'm a little disappointed that the preview in the new, live version only seems to offer the logged-in view, not the visitor view as well. While it's true that was also the case in legacy, it remains a shortcoming, IMO.
Other than that, things worked pretty much as expected. I had a few minor gallery settings wrong, but these were easy to correct quickly. I did have to make some CSS tweaks, especially in the lightbox visitor view, but I'm happy to say that I was able to figure these out on my own (finally, :whew).
Think I'll have a glass of wine before lunch--and take long siesta after.
Thanks to all for your help.
Go to a URL on your site that is broken ("make it break") - then "Customize".
One question about your site generally: the galleries on the home page are not centered - they're left-justified. Did you want this?
As for the justification, I didn't see any option to center the content blocks. The only justification option I saw was for titles, which I do want on the left. For the time being, I only want six choices, two rows of three each. Each row is a separate widget, which enabled me to reduce the vertical space between them. I suppose it must look a little weird on a mega wide screen, dunno, but I would guess six smallish pics in the middle of a huge screen would also look weird. I work on a 1920 x 1080 screen and don't generally have my browser at full screen, so I probably didn't notice it. Dunno, I'll have to play around with it some more. Thanks for raising the question--I appreciate it
There are other pages you can customize as well - http://school.smugmug.com/SmugMug-Tips/Customize-Your-System-Pages.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
This is one important part of the equation that doesn't get talked about a lot. Obviously Smugmug cannot make all of us completely happy, especially when it comes to changes. However their heroes do an incredible job when it comes to fixing things and helping us achieve as much as we can.
I miss the "Visitor View" we had in Old Smug; I used that regularly.
Looks great Richard! I especially like how your "New Pics" gallery displays the photo # in the center on mouse hover!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
One of the more memorable moments in my programming career was receiving an email on Christmas morning from the project architect that read "I've moved the changes into Production--please test them there." :bash :bash :bash That's exactly what we're doing here, and I think we can do better.
Thanks again for pointing this out.
I'm *sure* there is something to set this to center... just don't know what it is...