Error message while uploading

ormaaormaa Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner

I am creating an app under MAC OSX, to upload images to smugmug.
I need some advice, please : I cannot do any upload, and get an error message :
Invalid signature.
here is the xml error:
<methodResponse><fault><value><struct><member><name>method</name><value><string>smugmug.images.upload</string></value></member><member><name>faultCode</name><value><int>35</int></value></member><member><name>faultString</name><value><string>invalid signature</string></value></member></struct></value></fault></methodResponse>

- I am using the 1.3 API, and using OAuth.
- I can get the token, and get the albums list for example.

when I try to upload :
I use that URL :
I do a POST : multipart HTTP POST.
here is what I put in the header (I did not put my real api key ):
"OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"aabbssdd\", oauth_nonce=\"6A7A1C0B\", oauth_signature=\"tF6zbbXSwzmE3IBLKqDEXLtxsfU%3D\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_timestamp=\"1443192646\", oauth_token=\"014e8a29fb749b057ea4c4f4ee6d0229\", oauth_version=\"1.0\""

here is my parameters
AlbumID=49327699 (I checked, this is a proper value)
SessionID=123454321 (I didn't knew what o put here)

I put my image in a data object, converted in multipart. my debugger report me :
contentTypeMultipart "multipart/form-data; boundary=AS-boundary-3956056024-3671412767"

I have several question :
I got the doc from here :

why the parameter name are different between http put, raw http post, and http multipart post ?
in multipart http post, what is SessionID ? how can I get it in smugmug ?

any idea of what I could test ?

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