Has anyone tried this? (slideshow button on home page)

RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
edited February 18, 2016 in SmugMug Customization
Just when I thought I was getting the hang of this, I'm stumped again.

I'd like to put a slideshow button on my home page. I don't want an open slideshow, just a button that would open a slideshow of a collected gallery of greatest hits when pressed. It would be a huge plus for me if I could use the standard SM slideshow button that shows in each gallery.

I'm guessing this could be done with HTML customization, but it has been years since I've touched HTML and I remember almost nothing. In particular, I don't have a clue how I could reference the existing button widget, or if this is even possible. The only thing that I think I could manage on my own is to have a text widget linked to a slideshow page, but that might not be very button-like, and I'm not sure it would return to the home page when closed.

Anyone have a template they would be willing to share?


  • Hikin' MikeHikin' Mike Registered Users Posts: 5,490 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2015
    I'm pretty sure that without some type of Javascript you will have a tough time (if not impossible) doing that.
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited September 28, 2015
    Actually, I think I'm pretty close to done with it. The button issue is solved.

    One remaining problem: When I open a page containing only a slideshow, the X to exit is not included with the other controls. I can add that as a separate content element on the page, but it won't disappear and reappear with the other controls. Close, but not great. Anybody know why the X wouldn't be showing (or alternately, how to make a button or text box vanish after a couple of seconds and reappear like the standard controls)? Also, the non-full screen version of the slide show seems smaller than necessary, but I can't figure out how to make it bigger. headscratch.gif

    I'm starting to remember why I decided many years ago not to get hung up customizing and go with a vanilla SM template lol3.gif.
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited September 30, 2015
    I just published the results. I was unable to solve the missing X in the slideshow controls, so I had to put it outside. I considered making it fade and reappear on hover, but couldn't figure out how to coordinate its animation and transition with that of the SM controls in the box. So it just sits there all the time. I'd still like to know why the SM slideshow lacks the X. headscratch.gif Maybe if it's on a page by itself it doesn't have the ability to return to the (different) page that invoked it. Dunno.

    As for the button, I couldn't figure out the easy way so I did it the tedious way, styling an HTML button from scratch. I'm pretty sure there must be a way of creating a button then applying the SM slideshow button style to it, but I couldn't figure that out either.

    I'm such a beginner at this stuff...but I'm learning little by little. And with a lot of help from all of you. thumb.gif
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited September 30, 2015
    Richard wrote: »
    I just published the results.
    Looks good!

    --- Denise
  • TeetimeTeetime Registered Users Posts: 203 Major grins
    edited February 16, 2016
    Richard wrote: »
    I just published the results. I was unable to solve the missing X in the slideshow controls, so I had to put it outside. I considered making it fade and reappear on hover, but couldn't figure out how to coordinate its animation and transition with that of the SM controls in the box. So it just sits there all the time. I'd still like to know why the SM slideshow lacks the X. headscratch.gif Maybe if it's on a page by itself it doesn't have the ability to return to the (different) page that invoked it. Dunno.

    As for the button, I couldn't figure out the easy way so I did it the tedious way, styling an HTML button from scratch. I'm pretty sure there must be a way of creating a button then applying the SM slideshow button style to it, but I couldn't figure that out either.

    I'm such a beginner at this stuff...but I'm learning little by little. And with a lot of help from all of you. thumb.gif

    Richard, nicely done. That is a beautiful homepage and the slideshow is a great addition. Both really showcase your photography.

  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,316 moderator
    edited February 16, 2016
    Richard, first, that looks good, and works. In Chrome, only the very bottom of the closing X graphic is displaying. It appears only as an upper carrot, like this "^." I believe it is being covered up by the menu block.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited February 17, 2016
    :bash Ugh! I'm pretty sure it was displaying correctly when I first published it, so something may have changed in Chrome. Or maybe I just didn't test it properly, dunno. I'll try to tweak it again and see if I can get it right there without breaking it in FF, which is what I normally use. Grumble, grumble...

    Thanks, David, for pointing this out. thumb.gif And thanks, Jerry, for the kind words.

    Edit: I think it's fixed, at least on my machine.

    David: Could you check to see if it looks OK on yours? TIA.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 17, 2016
    Richard wrote: »
    Edit: I think it's fixed, at least on my machine.
    It seems a bit fiddly to me. When the X is initially presented, hovering over it doesn't enable clicking. If I keep trying (slightly different spots) I can click and close, even in Chrome. I see the same behavior in Firefox and IE.

    I don't know if it matter, (work) computer is running Windows 7 with the latest version of all 3 browsers.

    --- Denise
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited February 17, 2016
    Rats. It seems to be entirely broken now in Chrome, though it appears to be fine in FF. I'm using Win7, but I also tested it earlier in FF and Safari on OS-X and Safari on iOS. Sometimes it's slow to respond, but that's because it doesn't close an overlay (fast), but re-loads the home page (speed varies). Still somethings very wrong now on Chrome, and I'll have to go back to tweaking. Never a dull moment...
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited February 17, 2016
    I think it's working again, though I'm not at all sure I understand what the problem was. I'd appreciate it if someone on Win 10 could check it out on Edge and also IE on any version, as I don't have those in-house. Thx.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 17, 2016
    Richard wrote: »
    I think it's working again, though I'm not at all sure I understand what the problem was. I'd appreciate it if someone on Win 10 could check it out on Edge and also IE on any version, as I don't have those in-house. Thx.
    I just checked the close button on Windows 10. It works properly on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE.

    --- Denise
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited February 18, 2016
    Thanks Denise. Much appreciated thumb.gif.
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