Baby mantis
Other times you don't get a nice sleeping robber fly who will let you do whatever. This is without a doubt the most bothersome subject I have ever had to shoot, fortunately I was able to find him over multiple nights in the sameish spots in the garden. I swear mantises can actually tell when your flash is overheating and will pick that exact time to do something more interesting than standing completely still with their back to you.
E-P5 / Tokina AT-X 90mm F/2.5 / Raynox 150 & 250

E-P5 / Tokina AT-X 90mm F/2.5 / Raynox 150 & 250

Brian v.
Thanks so much, means a lot
Have you ever found anything more obnoxious than mantises for photography? They really are the worst - other than the alternating playing dead and then jumping on you at any opportunity thing, they are just so angular and so hard to capture a good shot of their head/eyes and the moving body parts while they're in motion. I seriously shot this guy til my arms were falling off for like 3 nights in a row and there are thousands of exposures that went into getting these
At least this individual could not fly. Flying insects has evolved to take off just as they are framed but not quite in focus.