File naming
Does what you name your file matter to have your images show up on Google Image search? Does it affect the keywording for your SEO?
Can anyone type out an example of what they name their files?
Can anyone type out an example of what they name their files?
If you use descriptive file names you can set a setting on your smugmug site to tell it to generate keywords from the file name.
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I'd recommend that you review the keywords on your site, remove any meaningless or misspelled keywords, and add more meaningful keywords. You can see all of your keywords at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I had no idea you could do that. How do you remove keywords?
You can click any KW and go to the gallery of that KW. Under each photo edit to add,
delete or change a keyword.
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In the smart gallery click the tools wrench.
Then "Title, Caption, and Keywords"
Here you can remove KW's from the photo.
At the bottom you can REMOVE NUMERIC
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If you create a smart gallery using a keyword you can keep changing KW then edit with
this extension.
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