Thinking about food...Part II

As a few of you know, I'm preparing a shot on the subject of "Food" for my local photography club.
Anything goes, but I get tired of the same ole shots of spread out food, food and wine glass, food at night, food in water etc. etc. So I'm trying this concept with the theme..."White thinks about food!" Does this work. Let me know.
Anything goes, but I get tired of the same ole shots of spread out food, food and wine glass, food at night, food in water etc. etc. So I'm trying this concept with the theme..."White thinks about food!" Does this work. Let me know.

"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
Taz, Richard, many thanks for taking the time to comment. I'm probably going to go with this one to be submitted. Mainly due to the time it took to get the composition done.
Will do! Thanks.
Book 2:
Or not...
Jo, thanks for looking at the shot! I appreciate all the additional ideas...but see my response to Richard.
Richard, after the shot was completed I gave my breakfast nook and table back to my wife!
It has this natural feeling and quality of exposure (light - mother of all photography) was superior.
I think you would win with that one.
These are fine and million times beyond my post processing abilities.......but feel overworked.....losing that powerful impact of what felt natural and quirky.....
Cheers m8!
Taz, first of all your talents at making magic with your camera (I've been to your website multiple times) does not support your "million times beyond my post processing abilities" statement! The quality of your photography FAR exceeds my infantile attempt at depicting food on a chess board. Secondly, I can't express how much I appreciate that you stop by and comment on these attempts at photography I post here. Your opinions are priceless to me and I value them all more than I can say.
I guess as the topic this week at the club is "Post Processing", I felt the first shot was rather elementary and would be judged in that manner. After I stared at it for a few hours I began to feel that it was "silly" and the fruit laying directly on the chess board began to look much as a beginner's shot would look given the concept I had in the beginning. I thought..."what if the pieces were still visible with the food". Well, the result is on display as you see. As to the actual post processing itself, it's quite easy. One shot of the board and pieces...then substitute the food for the white pieces with the second shot, lay on a layer mask...commence brushing.
I agree that the idea looks overworked but I've already sent this one in so I will let you know how the shot is received on Wednesday night. I'm starting to agree that this idea might be "over baked".
If only I knew your camera magic! I wouldn't have had to resort to trickery and deception!
Too kind Wayne....wish half of it was true....
I read toping was food.....didn't know about processing......maybe topic is food processing? Just kidding...
Well theme is theme so do what works best.....but big time Gurus (Richard, PP, Don) have thrown their weight behind your first don't delete that one! Cheers my friend!
Book 2:
Richard, Jo, thanks kindly. Very much appreciated! Been a very "up" photog week for me as the local paper printed one of my shots yesterday as "Photo of the Week". These don't come along that often for me.
Taz, always appreciated!