Move customized block from Homepage to entire site
Is it possible to "move" a content block such as a Navigation Menu from just the Homepage to "Entire Site" ?? Created a large menu and for some reason I only put it on the Homepage and not the entire site when i created it.
Unfortunately, no, not possible to move it that way. I recall doing the same thing way back when. I recreated the Menu on Entire site. Then decided to leave the Menu on the Homepage, alone. So I now have two menus, and when I need to update them, I update them both.
There's been a long standing request for this or for variations that do something similar. See
You might as well add your vote there, although it already has a substantial following. I even think I've heard some SM agreement that it would be a good idea, with the usual soft-peddling as to when it could or would happen.
Open a new browser tab of the same page. In new tab create the new menu. Use the old tab to view
and copy titles/links etc. to new menu.
My Website index | My Blog
something to copy and paste from when creating new menu. Not the html but titles and links.
My Website index | My Blog