The Battle, a happy accident.

While hiking in the Gibbon River area near Madison Junction in Yellowstone, I heard these two large bulls bugling. Making my way through the woods , they were just starting to challenge each other when I came out of the trees. In my excitement I failed to set my shutter speed correctly and this abstract image is the result.

Comments, and or critique is sincerely valued.

Comments, and or critique is sincerely valued.
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going anyway.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
I think 1/150 or so might be the right one as with 1/100 I thought it was too blurry and soft but that probably also depends on how fast the subject is moving.
This is the right idea though......more artsy that way!
Here's a link to a recent shot in Africa taken of wildebeasts running at 1/13s. I'm not entirely happy with this, I think my shutterspeed was too low (to Taz's point). But it gets the point across.
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Thanks guys for the input. This was literally an accident as I wasn't paying attention, and was going for a much cleaner, albeit static shot.
Nice capture k-dog. You weren't by chance in Yellowstone last week were you. I passed a car with "k-dog" plates near the Madison River.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
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