The Sickline 2015

OutdoorsAddictOutdoorsAddict Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
edited January 5, 2016 in Sports
Had to reregister under a new name (used to be SimonMW). I took some more shots of the Sickline event this year in the Alps in Oetz, Austria. The scenery surrounding this event, and the rapids on which it takes place are stunning.

Many more photos can be viewed in the main albums at and














  • kdogkdog Administrators Posts: 11,681 moderator
    edited October 8, 2015
    Excellent action! clap.gif

    I was wondering how you got those angles with such a short lens, until I saw the pull-backs. Most impressive. nod.gif

    What was wrong with your old account? We can easily reset the password or email address if that's the issue.
  • AceCo55AceCo55 Registered Users Posts: 950 Major grins
    edited October 8, 2015
    Brilliant set
    Your action shots have everything I would be looking for in a dynamic sports photo.
    Faces, action, motion, backgrounds, "pop".
    Thanks for posting - really enjoyed looking at these.
    My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
  • ThelensspotThelensspot Registered Users Posts: 2,041 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2015
    Great work here and I love the pull-back shots! bowdown.gif
    "Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53

  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,313 moderator
    edited October 9, 2015
    #6 would look amazing printed up big and on a wall. Overall, nice collection of shots.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • OutdoorsAddictOutdoorsAddict Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited October 9, 2015
    kdog wrote: »
    Excellent action! clap.gif

    I was wondering how you got those angles with such a short lens, until I saw the pull-backs. Most impressive. nod.gif

    What was wrong with your old account? We can easily reset the password or email address if that's the issue.

    Thanks! Reason I couldn't change the password was because my registered email address isn't active any more so I couldn't reset the password.
  • OutdoorsAddictOutdoorsAddict Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited October 9, 2015
    Thanks for the compliments guys!
  • jheftijhefti Registered Users Posts: 734 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2015
    Very nice work--and lucky you for being there.

    As someone who's done quite a bit of paddling like this, I will say that my favorite shots are the pull-backs. It's cannon in sports photography to shoot tight and crop tighter, which certainly has its place. But that said, the most spectacular part of the Class V experience is the environment: the river, the drop and the mountains. I just find images that capture all three plus the paddler to be the most effective. Of course, you have a really nice mix here.

    Along these lines, I went to the whitewater slalom world championships a year ago, held on an artificial river at the top of a ski resort (not kidding!). I found it remarkably hard to get any context that was aesthetically pleasing. The river was ugly. Most of my shots were tight; and since I was shooting on assignment anyway, mostly what was wanted were closeups of each racer. Frustrating!
  • OutdoorsAddictOutdoorsAddict Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited December 29, 2015
    jhefti wrote: »
    Along these lines, I went to the whitewater slalom world championships a year ago, held on an artificial river at the top of a ski resort (not kidding!). I found it remarkably hard to get any context that was aesthetically pleasing. The river was ugly. Most of my shots were tight; and since I was shooting on assignment anyway, mostly what was wanted were closeups of each racer. Frustrating!

    I find whitewater stuff to be very difficult to take pictures of. Similar to your experience above, I regularly go to an artificial white water venue that is very hard to get context shots in, either because of the sun position, or because of the aesthetics of the venue.

    I'd like to take more while I am out paddling rivers, but it is such a pain to take the camera in the kayak.
  • JimKarczewskiJimKarczewski Registered Users Posts: 969 Major grins
    edited January 5, 2016
    My only comment would be to watch your white balance. 1-3 all have different skin tones and I'd personally try to get them to all look the same. Other than that, nice action!
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