Remove "related keywords" and "combine with"
On all of my pages I need to remove the "related keywords" and "combine with" tags. You can find them here:
The problem is that they lead back to other customers, which is not ok.
Is there some custom css that I can paste into the site to remove those headings?
On all of my pages I need to remove the "related keywords" and "combine with" tags. You can find them here:
The problem is that they lead back to other customers, which is not ok.
Is there some custom css that I can paste into the site to remove those headings?
.sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-description {display:none !important}
This system page will still expose all your keywords.
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and add a text or html block/widget explaining content not available.
Also add the owner rule so you see everything when logged in.
.sm-page-node-wL7hwG .sm-page-widget-keywords {display:none}
.sm-user-owner .sm-page-node-wL7hwG .sm-page-widget-keywords {display:block}
.sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-description {display:none !important}
.sm-user-owner .sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-description {display:block !important}
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I see that it still exposes content here: But I don't see a way for users to get there.
I tried adding: .sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-description {display:none !important} to the site. I went to the theme--advanced--custom css-- And then I pasted that info there.
I flushed my cache, and it's still there.
I also notice that there's a "buy photos" button. I'd also like to remove that here:
Suggestions as to why the changes are not showing up?
Thanks so much for your help.
All the pages, /keyword and looking at individual /keyword/"keyword here" are Pages not galleries.
So you add the CSS to the "Just This Page" CSS block/widget or "entire site" CSS.
This will remove both slideshow and buy.
.sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-headerbuttons {display:none;}
or just buy
.sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-buymenu {display:none;}
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I posted this: .sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-description .sm-gallery-buymenu {display:none;}
And the related and combined keywords and the buy button are still showing up.
What am I doing wrong?
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Still showing up here:
These below:
"Related keywords: headshotsglenmoor country clubinnovageevent photographylabor dayclambakejuly 4thviawestexecutive team
Combine with: +headshots+glenmoor country club+innovage+event photography+labor day+clambake+july 4th+viawest+executive team"
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Sure did.
Here's the page now:
And here's what my css says:
.sm-page-node-wL7hwG .sm-page-widget-keywords {display:none}
.sm-user-owner .sm-page-node-wL7hwG .sm-page-widget-keywords {display:block}
.sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-description .sm-gallery-buymenu {display:none !important}
.sm-user-owner .sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-description {display:block !important}
I should mention that I don't want "related keywords" or combined keywords to show up anywhere on my site. Not just this one page. Not sure if I made that clear.
But--yeah they still show up. Flushed cache and all...
See if this set works. Log off on look.
/* hides keyword block on /keyword page */
.sm-page-node-wL7hwG .sm-page-widget-keywords {display:none} .sm-page-widget-keywords {display:block}
/* hides related and combined keywords */
.sm-page-gallery-keyword .sm-gallery-description {display:none !important} .sm-gallery-description {display:block !important}
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.sm-gallery-related-keywords {display:none}
.sm-gallery-combine-with {display:none}
However, if you're worried about security, just hiding content with CSS isn't the best way to do it. If your galleries are unlisted, which looks like what you want, the keywords won't show up like that. You won't have to worry about this.
As an example, you hid all your keywords on your /keyword page with CSS. But it's trivial to go to your /keyword page and use the same "inspect element" tool in any browser to remove "display:none" in the right spot of the code, exposing all your keywords. Also, your /browse and /search pages have a search tool... another way for anyone to get in to photos you want to keep hidden from them.
I'm not sure exactly how you're using your site, but be careful about using keywords in general if you want to keep different parts of your site segregated. You really should be using unlisted galleries and probably password protected galleries. Keywords might have unexpected results and allow very simple security breaches.
Hiding content with CSS is fine for making your pages more streamlined and looking the way you want, but it's a terrible way to handle security. The right way to do this is with unlisted and optionally password protected galleries.
Dave--I agree I would rather password protect the galleries. But keyword searching is necessary, and I am not able to keyword search with any of the password protected or unlisted galleries. If you know of another solution I'd love to hear it.
I tried this, but still they show up here:
Am I putting the code in the right place? I placed it in the theme-advanced--edit css area.
Seems strange that it's having no effect. I'm flushing my cache and looking at it not logged in.
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Like Allen said, if you're the only one that needs access to keywords, they should work fine when you're logged in but invisible to your visitors if your galleries are unlisted our passworded.
A far as hiding with css, did you try the code I suggested?
.sm-gallery-related-keywords {display:none}
.sm-gallery-combine-with {display:none}
How you handle this depends on how important it is for you to keep people from finding the wrong photos. If that's just nice to have, the way you're doing it might be fine. But if it's critical for privacy reasons, you're asking for trouble. Especially since you're using very generic and "powerful" keywords (to someone sneaking around your site) like "2015" which expose a whole lot of photos at once.