Embed gallery in web page?
With the transition to the "new" Smugmug I can no longer seem to find the option to create a code block that I can embed in a Wordpress.org powered web page. I have found the sharing options for generating links, sharing to Facebook, etc., but the old option to create a gallery? Not happening for me. Trawling the forums and the web has produced nothing
With the transition to the "new" Smugmug I can no longer seem to find the option to create a code block that I can embed in a Wordpress.org powered web page. I have found the sharing options for generating links, sharing to Facebook, etc., but the old option to create a gallery? Not happening for me. Trawling the forums and the web has produced nothing

Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Here are some examples :
http://joffotoblog.com/ (SmugMug site: http://www.joffoto.com/)
http://blog.jimakersphotography.com/ (SmugMug site : http://www.jimakersphotography.com/)
http://blog.db-weddings.com/ (SmugMug site : http://www.db-weddings.com/)
http://blog.bettykphoto.com/ (SmugMug site : http://www.kamykphotography.com/)
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs