Not able to upload to a new gallery.

Below is the error I get when trying to upload photos into a gallery I just created.
We're sorry, but you don't appear to be logged in to that account. Please login and try again.
We're sorry, but you don't appear to be logged in to that account. Please login and try again.
1) what happens when you try to log in?
2) have you tried uploading using a different browser
You may get faster solution if you contact the help desk directly:
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Is there something I can do to workaround the 3rd party cookies?
My computer is "locked" to not accept 3rd party cookies in the browser (this is something that was required for my other job, non-photography).
Do you which domain that "3rd party" is coming from? The IT department said that I can make exceptions if I know what the domains are.
Can you shed some light?
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Following, because I regularly have this problem and don't want to enable 3rd party cookies. The only way I am able to upload is by using the "Send to Smugmug" application.
In your browser settings, goto where it controls how your browser handles Cookies and add exceptions for your custom domain name (if you have use one) and, set them to "always allow".
In Firefox, it is under Options menu, in Privacy settings; look for "accept cookies from sites", click on Exceptions.
In Chrome, it is under Settings, in Advance Settings, under Privacy, Content Settings, look for Cookies and click Manage Exceptions. For Chrome, you have to prefix your domain names with [*.] just like the example it shows there.
Hope this helps you.
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