All my Legacy Captions became Captions in New SmugMug instead of Titles

Legacy SmugMug only had a "Caption field; it had no "Title" field as NewSmug does-- so the one & only option we had on Legacy (one would assume) should have become the title field on NewSmug, even though the larger field on NewSmug is now called "Title", and the smaller field (for a longer description or subject info) is called "Caption". I figured all my Legacy captions, since that's all I had, would become Titles in NewSmug, since that's clearly the more important field. But no. That's not what happened.
I just uploaded a photo into NewSmugMug (I haven't published yet). This photo had been edited in Photoshop & I'd added a Title and Description (Subject) which came up very nicely in my New site. The title is large & the description is smaller, which is just as it should be. But that led me to see that I have absolutely no titles (the important part) from any of my many 1000s of photos that are on my Legacy site!! Everything has gone to the little tiny caption field.
I am just praying & praying that someone can tell me there's an option to bring those old "Captions" from Legacy into the new "Title" field instead! Please!! (even if it has to be done behind the scenes) I have had so much bad news about NewSmug today when delving into stuff. I don't think I can stand any more. :cry Even if I had the rest of my life to copy all those old captions into my new title fields, it's not even possible. I just tried copying a caption out of that field, & it told me the photos are protected and can't be copied!!! (yes, inside the "Edit caption" box! Good grief.)
I just uploaded a photo into NewSmugMug (I haven't published yet). This photo had been edited in Photoshop & I'd added a Title and Description (Subject) which came up very nicely in my New site. The title is large & the description is smaller, which is just as it should be. But that led me to see that I have absolutely no titles (the important part) from any of my many 1000s of photos that are on my Legacy site!! Everything has gone to the little tiny caption field.
I am just praying & praying that someone can tell me there's an option to bring those old "Captions" from Legacy into the new "Title" field instead! Please!! (even if it has to be done behind the scenes) I have had so much bad news about NewSmug today when delving into stuff. I don't think I can stand any more. :cry Even if I had the rest of my life to copy all those old captions into my new title fields, it's not even possible. I just tried copying a caption out of that field, & it told me the photos are protected and can't be copied!!! (yes, inside the "Edit caption" box! Good grief.)
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
This discussion has been closed.
I was happy that my old "captions" transferred directly into "captions" in the New Smugmug, since mine tend to be wordy descriptions (many of my galleries are travelogues), and I might choose one day to start using shorter Titles on certain photos, though I haven't made that a practice. Kinda too late now, but it would have been nice for Smugmug to have given us a set of options to choose from during the migration, such as whether to transfer captions to Title or Captions in New Smug. You might check with the help desk as well to see if there's anything they can do for you.
If you're editing in Photoshop then you probably have access to either Lightroom or Bridge. I know that for Lightroom there is a great search-and-replace plugin where you can transfer the information from one field into another. Personally, I can't imagine using SmugMug alone as a photo organization tool - it sounds like a nightmare to me. My workflow is to do all editing and organizing in Lightroom (or Photoshop) and then sync the galleries to SM. That way I always have the master copy on my computer and when I change the photo in Lightroom it's flagged to be re-published to SmugMug. And using the jfriedl SmugMug plugin I can even define a custom title and caption by choosing EXIF/IPTC fields to go in the SmugMug Title and/or Caption fields. Right now I use a combination of "Caption | City, State Country" in the Caption field. You can see an example here:
Good luck with the move.
This makes no sense to me ... Legacy had no title field - it had a caption field. So captions translate to captions, and since there are no titles in Legacy, no titles translate over to New.
You can customize the caption font size to default to larger with CSS. I need a little help myself with this on my site but haven't gotten around to asking about it yet.
Maybe this set of customizations?
This prompted me to check on a couple of useful links for customization:
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
No, I really don't want to implement some code that's going to force captions bigger, etc. etc. because there's already such a yucky issue with even the Titles being far removed from the photo.. on my site, even that field is below the fold, with the stupid photo numbers right below the photo in the prominent position my captions used to have. If I implement some code, the captions, even if bigger, will still be below the numbers and below the blank Title field. I don't want my Title field blank. Besides, on many photos that I've edited, I do have longer, descriptive stuff that I should place in the Caption field one by one when I get a chance, so I'd like that field to be available to me for that purpose.
Most importantly, I'd like to remind everyone (especially the PhotoShop users!) that you probably have me to thank for even getting us to the point where we have two fields, or at least that the PhotoShop fields now go to the correct place!!! I'll find links later, but let it be known that I begged for this many many times over the yrs, & lots of people argued back. (Even though I knew from uploading to many other sites that SmugMug had the PS thing wrong) So to be sure, I am totally thrilled that the PS Title / Description fields now go like this in New SmugMug: PS "Title" > becomes Title . PS " Description" > becomes Caption !! Hoorrayy!! This is (finally) correct, & is how it works on every Stock website to which I upload, & every other site as well.
So to get the whole picture, you've got to realize that in Legacy, I had to manually delete most of my PS-edited titles in my SmugMug galleries, because what came over to my caption fields in Legacy was the PS Description field (often too lengthy!) & paste in the captions instead from other websites. (and most of my images are SOOC & never went thru PS, so they too are affected, by the 100,000s) But now here I am again, basically back at square one, with all those titles now relegated to the caption field... aaaargh! Yes, eventually I may get LR figured out etc. etc., but SmugMug could've made it so much easier by at least giving us an option of where we wanted that one caption field to go.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
multi-line captions. Don't know if you noticed but NewSmug Titles are only one line.
Plus they would lose any html in the captions. NewSmug preserves that html in captions.
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Here's the thing: I could live with whatever they want to call the boxes my descriptive text is in, whether it's a Title or Caption or whatev-- if only I could get it to be right under the photo in SmugMug style, or better yet, take the place of those useless numbers. The once in a blue moon that any of my visitors cares a hoot about which number they're on is if they're trying to get a list back to me of what #s they want me to do something with. On the other hand, I know for a fact that my visitors care a whole lot about the captions, as I've had thousands of conversations, comments, emails, etc. due to the connection a caption made. So I don't want that to go below the fold in SmugMug Style, because it doesn't occur to most people to look for something far below the photo, in that setting. I'm sure one of you brainy magicians is gonna come up w/ some hack to put numbers back up where they used to be, or make captions get close to the preview photo in SmugStyle, & move into the Title spot if no title, etc. etc. right?!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
This is not the time for that discussion because it makes no difference getting your site into NewSmug.
Maybe in the future this might be addressed but for now ya gotta focus on what they handed you and adapt.
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