Mini Chanllenge #214- Results

ThelensspotThelensspot Registered Users Posts: 2,041 Major grins
edited October 14, 2015 in The Dgrin Challenges
Just want to thank everyone again who took the time to enter pictures for this challenge. I thought the participation was great and the pictures are just fantastic. If your picture is not mentioned, it doesn't mean I wasn't impressed by it. I was impressed with everyone of them! I think when anyone takes the time to do this then it's worth my time to mention the one shot I liked the best of each group. The following are the ones I'm going to mention specifically:

Honorable Mention (in order of entry)
1. Cavalier: "Old Highway 40"...Jo, this is just a fantastic shot! Very nicely done.
2. Earache: "Steam Ferry Berkely"...just a wonderful reflection abstract with color and dancing water. Picasso would be proud to have a painting like this one!
3. Cygnus Studios: "Palace of Fine Arts"...a perfect example of a picture turned fantasy by some reflection. Very nice work, Steve!
4. GSPep..."Castle" A wonderful example of water reflection. Great shot, Peter!
5. DonRicklin..."Mystic River" Don, I kept coming back to this shot. Great composition captured at a perfect angle and a great reflection!
6. GrandmaR..."Rosalie Ann" I kept looking at this Grandma thinking about all the adventures this shot must bring back when you look at it!... Maybe we know what the R stands for now!
7. puzzledpaul..."Day's end" I just love the colors here and the birds were an extra! Nice work Paul.
8. Jeroen..."Last Week at a Castle" Just a great shot and a very nice example of water reflection.
9. slpollet..."Momma and baby bison" Even without the reflection this is a wonderful shot, Sherry.
10. sapphire73..."Glacial Reflections" Just a fantastic shot and would look great framed on any wall, Gretchen!

OK, and now the part that was just incredibly hard. Coming up with just three that I liked most!

Second Runner Up..."Rideau canal, Ottawa" by travelways...Just a fantastic shot,Tatiana! Catching the person on the steps in the reflection along with the great colors just made this shot stand out!
First Runner Up..."Ballon Festival" by Alans Grin. I just can't tell you, Alan, how much I like this shot. Great colors and a beautiful reflection in a classic location!

Mini Challenge #214 Winner ...


jwear...Flying Pelican...I love the action, the composition, the "parallel universe" like image of the reflection and the wing gently tipped in silky smooth water. This shot I thought captured everything I was looking for in the challenge. Congratulations, Jeff! Very nice work! :clap:barb
I now hand the baton for the next challenge over to you! :bow Congratulaions again!
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53


  • Alans GrinAlans Grin Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2015
    Congratulations, Jeff! Great capture and the wingtip just dipping the water is priceless!

  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2015
    I have lots of shots of pelicans, but nothing as nice as that one. And yes, I am Rosalie (or RosalieAnn)
    “" adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • CavalierCavalier Registered Users Posts: 3,080 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2015
    Congratulations Jeff - terrific shot and well deserved win.
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2015
    Congratulations, Jeff! - Wonderful image!!!
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
  • DonRicklinDonRicklin Registered Users Posts: 5,551 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2015
    Thelensspot, thank you for the HM!

    Great shot Jeff. Looking forward to the next one.

    Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
    'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
    My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook
  • puzzledpaulpuzzledpaul Registered Users Posts: 1,621 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2015
    Well done to all who entered, nice job, Jeff ... especially catching the wing dip / touch ... and thanks for the HM ... mrs pp also likes that'un.

  • yxw168yxw168 Registered Users Posts: 18 Big grins
    edited October 13, 2015
    Wow.. bowdown.gifbow
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited October 13, 2015
    Thanks to everyone for the nice comments , I have bin down a bit lately and this was a nice kick in my --opps sorry forgot I was on dgrin rolleyes1.gif I have not bin out shooting since last Dec ,this has made it very ?? I do not have a good word for it -- relaxing ,exercise and break from working ,to walk and watch the outdoors I love so much ,to capture a moment of what I see and share with wild life . I need to get out more. Looking for the 3 shoots to put up was very telling on how much I miss my free time . Thank you all again for the kind words will have an answer soon about what will be next .

    Grandma are you sure about that spelling ??:D as you can see from above my writing and spelling are 2 of the things --I -- can not do :cry
    Jeff W

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited October 14, 2015
    Mini Chanllenge #214- Results
    Congratulations jwear! And thank you for the hm, thelensspot!
  • Alans GrinAlans Grin Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2015

    Jeff has PM'd me to say that he does not feel able to take on the running of the next challenge due to work commitments and other reasons.

    As runner up he has asked me to stand in for him and I am very happy to help by doing this, but would also like to offer it up as an opportunity for anyone else to do so.

    If anyone else would like to pick it up, for example next runner up travelways or perhaps grandmaR or anyone else I would be more than happy.

    GrandmaR, if travelways does not want to, I would be really delighted to see you take it on - how about it?

    In the absence of anyone else wishing to do it ... I still remain happy to proceed and will set a new challenge in the next day and half if there are no takers.

  • ThelensspotThelensspot Registered Users Posts: 2,041 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2015
    Alans Grin wrote: »

    Jeff has PM'd me to say that he does not feel able to take on the running of the next challenge due to work commitments and other reasons.

    As runner up he has asked me to stand in for him and I am very happy to help by doing this, but would also like to offer it up as an opportunity for anyone else to do so.

    If anyone else would like to pick it up, for example next runner up travelways or perhaps grandmaR or anyone else I would be more than happy.

    GrandmaR, if travelways does not want to, I would be really delighted to see you take it on - how about it?

    In the absence of anyone else wishing to do it ... I still remain happy to proceed and will set a new challenge in the next day and half if there are no takers.


    Alan, just my opinion here. In the past if the winner was unable to take on the next challenge, it was passed to the first runner up. That has been prior SOP. I think it might set an unusual precedent if winners start simply asking if others would want to do it after a challenge is completed. Obviously if it were a circumstance which precludes the runner up from taking the challenge then it would fall to the second runner up. I will however defer to Joyce (JAG) who moderates this forum regarding this matter. I do appreciate that you would be willing to do it and also your kind offer to step aside if another feels strongly about wanting to do it. Just throwing in my 2 cents worth.
    "Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53

  • DonRicklinDonRicklin Registered Users Posts: 5,551 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2015
    Alan, just my opinion here. In the past if the winner was unable to take on the next challenge, it was passed to the first runner up. That has been prior SOP. I think it might set an unusual precedent if winners start simply asking if others would want to do it after a challenge is completed. Obviously if it were a circumstance which precludes the runner up from taking the challenge then it would fall to the second runner up. I will however defer to Joyce (JAG) who moderates this forum regarding this matter. I do appreciate that you would be willing to do it and also your kind offer to step aside if another feels strongly about wanting to do it. Just throwing in my 2 cents worth.
    Psst, Alan is the First Runner up...

    Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
    'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
    My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook
  • Alans GrinAlans Grin Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2015

    Despite my desire to share, your point is very well made and well received, and on consideration I think you are correct with regards to not setting a precedence.

    In this light I will launch the next challenge shortly.
    Be warned .... despite potentially limiting submissions, if I can word it with a broad enough scope, I intend to set a tough one!

  • ThelensspotThelensspot Registered Users Posts: 2,041 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2015
    DonRicklin wrote: »
    Psst, Alan is the First Runner up...


    Pssst back, Don I got's the throwing out to the group...that I'm talking about. Alan, is willing to do it so according to SOP he does it. If he can't then it should by precedent then go to Tatiana (travelways). Alan has said he can do it and I think he has earned that privilege. I'm simply commenting on Alan's offer to somewhat toss it out there before "officially" saying that he
    A. can't take the next challenge and
    B. officially offer it the Tatiana as the next up.

    At that point, Tatiana would need to provide feedback as to her ability to moderate the next challenge. If she could not moderate for some would be at that point that the offer could be tossed out to others i.e GrandmaR etc. Maybe I didn't make that clear in my first response.

    I'm not attempting to magnify a courteous offer from Alan as "wrong", just commenting on how this has been previously you know given your participation in the past.
    "Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53

  • ThelensspotThelensspot Registered Users Posts: 2,041 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2015
    Alans Grin wrote: »

    Despite my desire to share, your point is very well made and well received, and on consideration I think you are correct with regards to not setting a precedence.

    In this light I will launch the next challenge shortly. Be warned .... despite potentially limiting submissions, if I can word it with a broad enough scope, I intend to set a tough one!


    Alan, I appreciate that you get my point and completely understand your very kind initial intentions. I think everyone would be honored if you "took on" the next challenge in a manner of speaking and also would welcome whatever subject you so choose to offer up to the group. I know we all appreciate you time and efforts here to that end. Thanks again.
    "Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53

  • Alans GrinAlans Grin Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2015
    I have posted a new challenge here ....

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