Pretty Sawfly?

An ichneumon - measured only approximately 3-4mm long. One pane of the wing is black - the rest transparent but with a nice luminosity and rainbow of colours.
You would never guess what the background is though - but this little beastie had come into the house when the door to the garden was open tonight as I photographed a member of the local arachnid population, and it landed on the plastic bag in which 3 buns were safely wrapped to keep them fresh...
Being indoors in it's own home-made studio, meant no wind to cause problems, just a case of having to reach to the back of the worktop to avoid disturbing it (would have flown had I moved the bag) so not 100% straightforward, though not too difficult.

You would never guess what the background is though - but this little beastie had come into the house when the door to the garden was open tonight as I photographed a member of the local arachnid population, and it landed on the plastic bag in which 3 buns were safely wrapped to keep them fresh...
Being indoors in it's own home-made studio, meant no wind to cause problems, just a case of having to reach to the back of the worktop to avoid disturbing it (would have flown had I moved the bag) so not 100% straightforward, though not too difficult.

Brian V.
Thanks for the ID confirmation Brian.
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The wing venation is definitely Ichneumonidae.
The combination of detail, lighting and background give the images a very special quality, especially in the third one.
Thanks gentlemen - much appreciated
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moderator - Holy Macro
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Goldenorfe photography on Smugmug
Phils Photographic Adventures Blog
Thanks Phil m8
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