
Logged in under Customize I see Gallery Theme, Folder Theme, etc.
When clicking this I see at the top "myTheme" and "entire site" to the right.
I can not find where to change the "entire site" theme.
In a folder I changed themes. Then I wanted to change back to my default "entire site" theme.
Clicking Customize > Folder Theme I see no "default" or "entire site" selection.
I had to manually select my custom theme.
Going back in to Folder Theme it does not show "entire site" behind my theme at the top.
Missing in screen shot, before and after shots.
Every select theme box should have "default" or "entire site" selection but it's missing.
When clicking this I see at the top "myTheme" and "entire site" to the right.
I can not find where to change the "entire site" theme.
In a folder I changed themes. Then I wanted to change back to my default "entire site" theme.
Clicking Customize > Folder Theme I see no "default" or "entire site" selection.
I had to manually select my custom theme.
Going back in to Folder Theme it does not show "entire site" behind my theme at the top.
Missing in screen shot, before and after shots.
Every select theme box should have "default" or "entire site" selection but it's missing.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
This is a bit off-topic from this thread but since you're into tweaking now, I have a suggestion for your Search category in your navbar. I took 2 images, put them side by side, and here's the combined one.
- If I hover over Search, the dropdown contains 3 options, Top, All, and Find by Date.
- But if I CLICK the major link, "Search", I'm actually taken to a 4th option for searching. This means this URL is not one of the items in the dropdown list. Shouldn't it be?
You can do this:
- In the navbar, change SEARCH to be non-clickable - just remove the URL.
- Add a 4th link, that takes the person to the URL that was your original SEARCH page.
- Visitor then hovers over SEARCH, which isn't clickable, and chooses from among the four options.
Hope you don't mind ideas, I know the options for tweaking are endless, and can be quite fun.
Thanks ever so much for the thoughts, ChancyRat, & I'll definitely be referring back to your help & notes here when I get to the point of actual tweaking & fixing again. However, I can't accept any kudos right now for anything related to the look of my site, & can't even do much with tweaking suggestions, because IDK if you saw my other post somewhere in response to Oliver Williams about what happened to my site when it auto-published, but.. umm, let's just say it's a complete wonky mess right now (& it looks like it was when you saw it too!) It had been a mess because the new site was trying too hard on its own to mimic my old one. Then I worked on it some & got at least a temporary theme going on some pages like homepage & /Browse etc. (it was basically Aurora, with my own font choices & choices of font color, at least in some places)
However, I couldn't get the whole site to inherit that theme, because of what I just mentioned. So (before I'd published) the engineers cooked up some script or something to fix it so that all my galleries, folders, pages & all would inherit that theme I'd made up... for now. So on Monday it looked half-decent, except for some of those old system pages from my legacy site that I hadn't gotten figured out yet. However, on Tuesday, my site auto-published (as I knew could happen!) and unfortunately, everything went back to its wonky look with most pages being different themes & all, & really nothing at all that I'd actually chosen. Even my homepage went to some gray & all, like in your screenshot. So... back to the drawing board. I have no time to mess with it anyway as I'm doing a 3-day weekend in CT, so it looks like the engineers will have at it again & I'm hopeful they'll be able to re-set everything back to the Aurora-type theme I had going. So yes, I can't take credit for any of the appearance right now.
I too liked that beach theme somewhat (I forget what it's called... tides?) that's on my GuestBook page, but would've liked it even better if it were my own photo. I had thought I might use it site-wide, because I'm completely bonkers over everything coastal. But I found both of the beach themes to be a little too busy as the background for my galleries. And I too have a wish to use slightly different colors (preferably graduated) for some galleries. I find white or black to be rather hard on the eyes. And in my "Cascade of Colors" galleries (each has photos that are almost entirely monochrome, like just green or just red)-- I'd love primarily that color for the background-- I had that on my old site. But I also hear the concern (& I know it's a very valid one) that it makes people feel like they're going to another site if you keep changing themes/ colors on them. I begged SmugMug when they were designing the new site to give us an easy capability to do this: Keep font styles & colors and spacing (margins, etc.) as one file that could be applied on its own to a whole site, or a gallery or a folder. But keep a theme & background colors (or background photos options) completely separate from that first choice. From what I can tell, they didn't really do this-- they gave each basic theme its own font & appearance, but I haven't figured out yet if there IS a way to sort of separate those choices & apply them easily to our sites or folders or pages.
What I've seen so far is that every page that has a different color (theme) also has fonts & font colors, margin spacing, etc. etc. that are completely different from the theme on the next page. And that really does make me feel like I'm going to a different site on every page. If I could, say, use one of my own darker coastal photos as background, maybe put a color overlay it that just varies a little on certain pages, but keep the exact same fonts & same or similar font colors & same margins & all other spacing, that would be my dream design. I haven't yet figured out if any of that is possible. So far, I've faced the same issues I faced w/ my old site--- wanting to vary background colors at least a tad, but not wanting the overall "look" or style to be different from page to page, & not finding a way to do it. If anyone knows how to suggest a way, I'm all ears.
About the "Search" page & Nav bar links to it, etc... yes, it's still a mess. I don't know what to link to, & have not figured out the nesting or un-nesting of certain nav links. I used to have separate tabs for "Top keywords" (a page I can't even figure out how to get anymore-- it used to contain my top 255 keywords & was found at /keywords , I think.) Not anymore. I've only found the All keywords page at /keyword . So Idk what the search tab should go to. My GuestBook & Map & Recent pages are also still in states of disrepair. I can't stand the huge size of those Guestbook photos-- yuck; & wish they were side-by-side or sorta like Old Journal style was, & the page wasn't supposed to have a different theme. Sadly, I also have my blog opening in a new tab for now cuz that used to be all matched up w/ my Smug site & isn't anymore... that's another job I'll have to tackle someday! (I know it's a neglected blog anyway, but it won't always be...) Ugh.... just remembered those badges won't work on my blog eventually either, right? :cry Well, enough for now. Thanks again so much for the tips & help. After the engineers re-set the site & I have a couple days at home, I'll refer back here. What a job.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
And as for continuity between pages - I'm a very poor choice for opinions because for most of my site, every page has a different background image and/or color. The continuity is in general layout and font choice, and general appearance (so say some visitors whose opinions I sought). I personally must have this variety, but that's just me.
Give yourself a break - your site is marvelous and you'll only be making it better from here on out.
I'm sure you can stabilize the font choices and colors between pages where you have a different background. I remember the difference between "living in Old and trying to make a New plan," and "living in New and tweaking New". The latter was and continues to be a fun experience because of all the options offered.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I suggest you start a new thread and ask ONE QUESTION, a "how to". Just one. No multiple combo questions. See if folks can help that way.
Yes, I agree. And I still would like to hear some answers back about Allen's question, because I don't yet have that figured out. Sorry, Allen!! Hope we get some answers about that theme dialogue box issue. Incidentally, ChancyRat, the engineers got my site-wide theme back & all. Still lotsa tweaking to do, & I haven't yet worked on the links & some of your suggestions-- it'll hafta wait. But now you can at least see where I was headed with some of it...
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I guess I'm missing why this is causing all the confusion. Perhaps I'm missing the question? To get to where you can choose the Entire Site theme and change it, either
- Click Customize from the home page (not from a gallery or folder page) and select Site-Wide Theme, or
- Click Customize/Content and Design, highlight the Entire Site entry on the sidebar that shows up, and click the Themes button below.
I don't know the first works if you don't have a separate home page. Since I do, I can't test that case.Don't you revert to Entire Site theme when you click the little X that shows up when you hover over the name of the selected theme for that folder or (if it's using the template) the folder template?
Again, what am I missing here?
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