Smugmug Mobile

Hi guys,
My site is now setup the way I want it (Thanks to Allen, Richard, Lille, Denise et al). Today I checked out my website on an iPhone. All the pages other than the homepage have no issues. Below is a page that looks fine:

However, the Homepage looks a little weird in portrait orientation as the footer seems to move up just below the menu. Here is the Homepage in Portrait (you can see the footer just below the menu)

And here is the homepage in Landscape (footer is fine):

Any ideas how to get the footer on the homepage placed at the bottom in Portrait orientation? :dunno
Thanks much,
My site is now setup the way I want it (Thanks to Allen, Richard, Lille, Denise et al). Today I checked out my website on an iPhone. All the pages other than the homepage have no issues. Below is a page that looks fine:

However, the Homepage looks a little weird in portrait orientation as the footer seems to move up just below the menu. Here is the Homepage in Portrait (you can see the footer just below the menu)

And here is the homepage in Landscape (footer is fine):

Any ideas how to get the footer on the homepage placed at the bottom in Portrait orientation? :dunno
Thanks much,
Kaydin here from the SmugMug heroes team. I've added a 'Spacer' Content block to the homepage and made it's height 550 pixels. That will force the footer down on mobile. Take a look now.
I hope this has helped.
SmugMug Support Hero -
Hey Kaydin - that worked perfectly. I didn't see any impact on a normal website either.
Thanks much,
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