Gallery Downloads

I just read about this and have some questions.
Is there any charge to the client for downloading an entire gallery?
Reading says the images will be put in a zip file and if the gallery is large, images will be divided into multiple zip files.
How many files (MB) can fit in one zip file?
Reading also indicates there is a time delay for SmugMug to prepare the zip files.
How long are we talking about? Seconds? Minutes? Hours?
If this isn't too clunky it sounds like a good alternative to Dropbox.
Could I create a free password protected download option for some and have individual image pricing )print or download) for others?
Is there any charge to the client for downloading an entire gallery?
Reading says the images will be put in a zip file and if the gallery is large, images will be divided into multiple zip files.
How many files (MB) can fit in one zip file?
Reading also indicates there is a time delay for SmugMug to prepare the zip files.
How long are we talking about? Seconds? Minutes? Hours?
If this isn't too clunky it sounds like a good alternative to Dropbox.
Could I create a free password protected download option for some and have individual image pricing )print or download) for others?
I've used that 'download all' feature a number of times. The time it takes for smugmug to send the link to download the zipped file depends upon how many pictures are in the file. It can be anywhere from a minute or so for just a couple of images to about an hour for a larger gallery. I think the longest it has ever taken has been a little over an hour for a gallery large enough to split into two zipped files.
This comes in handy when someone has prepaid for images or sharing images with family.
I'm not sure how much each zipped file holds. It's pretty simple for most people to figure out how the download works as long as they have some basic computer knowledge in how to save and retrieve a file.
I don't know about a password-protected download. So far, I haven't tried that. I do have some pricing for individual downloads, but I don't have pricing for a full gallery download. The times I have used the 'download all' feature, I was doing it myself and then sending the link to the person I wanted to have it.
Even then, I don't really give all the images in a gallery. I create a separate unlisted gallery and place only the requested images in it. [I do pictures for a local high school band. I sell individual and group photos to the students and parents, but I donate some to the band for use in the yearbook. I pull the images for the full band, officers, drum majors, and directors to a separate gallery, then download all, and then send to the yearbook coordinator. It works. ]
I'm not sure if this is what you wanted, but at least you know that it doesn't take much time for smugmug to send the link back.
As far as I know you would need to use separate galleries for that.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
It looks like Dropbox is still a far better solution.
With Dropbox, client gets the link, clicks on link, press download button and downloads.
I can't image giving instructions to a client that goes something like: Press Download Gallery button Wait for an hour or so and if you don't a notification with a link to the zip file start all over again. After whatever hours it takes once you get the zip link and you follow that link to the zip files you can start the download.
If after several attempts if still you can't get the link call me. I should be able to get back with you within minutes to days depending.
That said the final version of this feature should be awesome.
Kaydin here from SmugMug. I just want to make it clear that an hour wait for a Download ZIP link is very rare. Just like watermarks, and the processing of videos, download links are put into a queue. If there are a ton of people requesting download links at the same time, the queue might be a little longer. I typically receive my download links within 10-40 seconds after requesting them. Sometimes, if the gallery is quite large it would take a few extra minutes. Again, it's very rare for any ZIP link to take more then just a few minutes.
I hope this helps.
SmugMug Support Hero -
OK that's acceptable. I can revisit my original questions:
Is there any charge to the client for downloading an entire gallery?
Reading says the images will be put in a zip file and if the gallery is large, images will be divided into multiple zip files.
How many files (MB) can fit in one zip file?
Could I create a free password protected download option for some (paying client) and have individual image pricing (print or download) for others that don't have the password?
I don't know the exact file size, but we try to limit them around 1GB.
The "Download All" button gives a full gallery download and can be set on a gallery-by-gallery level. You can have Download All turned on for a gallery and still set pricing on individual photos photos, but the client also has the ability to download the photos for free since downloading is turned on. We do have a feature request to be able to turn on Gallery Downloads while turning off individual downloads. If your question was "can some galleries have full gallery downloads on, and other galleries have it off/individual image pricing", then the answer is yes.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thank yo for your response, but I have one question still unanswered.
"Could I create a free password protected download option for some (paying client) and have individual image pricing (print or download) for others that don't have the password?"
Lets see if I can ask this question in a different way.I photograph an event. image files are included in my quote to the client. I currently deliver the images vie a DVD or via Drop Box. Works well but event participants can not view the event images online.
My thought is to see if I can upload these event images into one gallery on my SmugMug site, provide the paying client with a password that will allow him / her to download the entire gallery, and in the same gallery display the images to anyone visiting the gallery who could view and if desired purchase an individual download or print but will not have access to the free download all button.
Can I have a password protected "download all" button in the gallery not just a password protected gallery?
One gallery would then serve two purposes. One for the paying client, one for the general public.
This way I would be able to direct traffic to my SmugMug web site while providing a free online gallery as an added benefit to the client.
I do not want two galleries. One for the client to download from and a second for general viewing and purchasing.
I have now totally exhausted my writing skills.
Than you,
It isn't quite the same as setting up for the client to do himself, but it works for me.
Sherry P.
I think I may see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.
OH wait false alarm no light.
Do you first activate "download all" then after downloading all deactivate the "download all" option?
If this is what your saying, I understand.
Although not what I am looking for. I am trying see if I can do all this with one step to one location, my SmugMug site. Drive both the paying client and their clients / event participants to my web site. One upload, one stop for all.
If not, I think Drop Box is a better delivery method, and I can always set up a client gallery but that involves two up loads not one.
The method you describe looks like it will work but is more clunky for the client and the client never visits your site and has no visual experience to recommend anyone visit your site. Nor will they have your web address written down or stored on their browser history.
To download the full gallery (or selected photos), click the down arrow in organizer.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
It's a teeny bit more hands-on that what I think you are asking for, but then you can control who you send the download all link to.
Denise is always right, but in this case, she may have misspoken (I'm running to hop on a plane, so perhaps I am mistaken).
The Download All button has a Download Password option. You can password protect your download while leaving the rest of it open for purchasing. All you have to do is turn Download Buttons ON, then set a download password. Give your client the password and tell them not to share it, then let other visitors browse and purchase the photos. Gallery password can be disabled so that visitors don't need the gallery password.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I clearly missed the help page that contains this information, found it now on the page How do I download all images in a gallery?
That download button password is an awesome option!
Thanks for the correction leftquark, and Sam, I apologize for the misinformation.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Denise wrong!!! heretic!
I hope the TSA steals all your shampoo..................
No problem! But yes I think this will be a great option, provide the client with a free web gallery and also the delivery method.