The Herald
I found some slime mould spore capsules on a rotting length of cut branches on a piles of such wood. I was rotating it to get a better viewpoint when I saw some partly detached bark at the edge of my vision. Taking look, I found this beautiful moth.
This is The Herald Scoliopteryx libatrix. It is so-called for two possible reasons: As one of the first moths to merge in spring and also for having bright colours:
The larvae feed on Wiillow and it was found on Pussy Willow under a Weeping Willow. This species overwinters as a adult after being one of the last moths on the wing in autumn.
EM-1, Kiron 105mm twin flash, hand-held. (Because of the rounded surfaces, the fill flash was not always fully successful).
The stereo is cross-eye.

This is The Herald Scoliopteryx libatrix. It is so-called for two possible reasons: As one of the first moths to merge in spring and also for having bright colours:
The larvae feed on Wiillow and it was found on Pussy Willow under a Weeping Willow. This species overwinters as a adult after being one of the last moths on the wing in autumn.
EM-1, Kiron 105mm twin flash, hand-held. (Because of the rounded surfaces, the fill flash was not always fully successful).
The stereo is cross-eye.

Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
At the time, I was concerned that the colours were not being captured as they appeared to me. However, I find that there was no need for concern.