Cleaning the sensor

I'm about to clean the sensor on my DRebel for the first time. I have so much junk on the shots, mots, fluff goodness know how. Is there anything I should know before I attempt?? I'tll be a first for me and I'm "skeered".
I've never done it, but I found this.
And this.
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And you all know how up on it I am lately. If I could SNAFU it, I would.
Ask Andy, Sid, the old timers............ or particularly people who are old timers, but who have owned a Rebel. Or go to dpreview, register and ask them, or use their archives. Invaluable stuff!
Just my take. I have times, too, when I think my sensor needs cleaning, am letting it go so far.
In addition to my exposure SNAFU at the beach, I changed lenses, thought the camera bag was safe for a minute, accidentally left the top open. Just in the right direction for the hole digging dogs to throw all of their sand in.
I am batting 100 here. I will agree with you, though, on my saved shots..........better than if they were straight. However there were a lot of complete losses. I would not clean a sensor right now if you paid me.
Thanks for commenting on my thread, even if that is your role here. I was afraid it was going to be buried and no one would see it. Yesterday was a full and fun day. I am catholic, you know, up and down......... I could feel the effects of yesterday in my muscles, today. To sit on rock with a fierce tide coming in, the wind roaring, etc. It was beyond anything I thought was still in my life.
and, something that every dslr owner should be able to do for themselves...
my method is the "copperhill" method, described right here
you need "eclipse" cleaning solution and either you make your own swipes as described in the copperhill pages or you buy "sensor swabs"
the first time may feel a bit daunting but after that, it's a cinch, takes about five minutes or less.
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some folks like the gitzo rocket blower, i find that makes things worse. i don't blow inside the camera, i only use my blower on the lens, front and rear, before i do my lens cleaning (blow, mink brush, then cloth)
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I found out the hard way. When it came time to clean the sensor for the first time, I was willing to try anything before touching the sensor. I had about 12-15 specks before I used the blower. When I was finished, I had 100+. It was a mess. I was forced to use the copperhill method & it went fine.
Dave (gallery)
No blower! - Eclipse fluid and sensor swabs are the ticket. The swabs are expensive, but a lot cheaper than a new sensor. Kind of like all new initiations - the first time is the most exciting, after that it becomes routine
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
here's a good deal on eclipse fluid
sensor swabs are $48 per box, haven't found a better price anywhere,
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$42.95 at B&H
Edit: But they won't ship the Eclipse solution. Adorama will, and they have the sensor swabs for the same price.
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My sensor swabs I have to go buy the fluid, they don't ship it in the mail.. I've printed out just about every tutorial there is on "cleaning the sensor" and I have a bottle of Tanquary and a lime ready for after (the tutorial says to do that. I'll pick a day when I'm feeling very brave and competent.. (not today) and I'll post the results. It's gonna be ok right??
Check my post above. After linking to B&H, I found Adorama will shipt the fluid. The link's in the post.
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As you can see, there are a few bunnies still there, but it is a HUGE improvement. Plus I bumped contrast +50 to accentuate the spots. I am going to do another swipe now that I am comfortable knowing this is no big deal at all.
don't do it "every minute"
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p.s. your bunnies are much worse than mine.. except.. I think I have grass in mine too... (from shooting the Calendar Girls in the rain on the grass)..
On the local common... (yes they were dressed)...recognize anyone???????
TML Photography