Vapourer Moth Cocoon (Genuine)
I recently posted some images of moth eggs of another species under this name. That was a looper moth. This is the genuine thing.
The bad news is that the eggs had hatched a long time ago.
I was photographing some slime mould fruiting bodies on a rotting log, turning it (fortunately) carefully, when I saw this. The white, shiny things are parts of the eggs shells, the pink, egg-cup-like, ones are those where just the tops have been removed by emerging larvae.
The greyish webbing on the right is the cocoon. I turned this over and opened it up a bit for the later images but the empty pupa is as I found it.
Only the first image has been cropped. As the eggs were disappointing, I have included a cross-eye stereo pair, looking into the cocoon at the pupal remains.(Lean away to view).
EM-1, Kiron 105mm (low magnification) and reversed Schneider HM 40mm at f16, triple free-standing RC TTL flash, hand-held.

The bad news is that the eggs had hatched a long time ago.
I was photographing some slime mould fruiting bodies on a rotting log, turning it (fortunately) carefully, when I saw this. The white, shiny things are parts of the eggs shells, the pink, egg-cup-like, ones are those where just the tops have been removed by emerging larvae.
The greyish webbing on the right is the cocoon. I turned this over and opened it up a bit for the later images but the empty pupa is as I found it.
Only the first image has been cropped. As the eggs were disappointing, I have included a cross-eye stereo pair, looking into the cocoon at the pupal remains.(Lean away to view).
EM-1, Kiron 105mm (low magnification) and reversed Schneider HM 40mm at f16, triple free-standing RC TTL flash, hand-held.