I'm getting Webmaster URL "server errors"

I just got a Google alert about a significant number of URL errors.
Most of them appear to be keyword-related, and they're all dated 10/18/15.
This is the 854 in the "server error" tab (image).
The 108 in the "other" tab are also from 10/18/15, and are also related to keywords.
When I click any of the URLs, I'm taken to the keyword results page for that keyword, as if there is no problem with the URL.
(The "not found" tab, those are predominantly from my renaming a Folder URL. :cry)
Not sure what to make of this?
Most of them appear to be keyword-related, and they're all dated 10/18/15.
This is the 854 in the "server error" tab (image).
The 108 in the "other" tab are also from 10/18/15, and are also related to keywords.
When I click any of the URLs, I'm taken to the keyword results page for that keyword, as if there is no problem with the URL.
(The "not found" tab, those are predominantly from my renaming a Folder URL. :cry)
Not sure what to make of this?
Thanks for getting a hold of us. I've had a look at your site (www.joinrats.com/) and I'm not having any trouble with it on my end. Everything with your domain seems to be acting just fine. Do you have any more information about the trouble you are seeing there? Is this a google webmaster alert? If you could reply back to us by email (help@smugmug.com) we'll be happy to get you connected over with one of our domain experts here at SmugMug to help get a better idea of what is going on.
SM Support
Oliver, thanks, but some - thing - is wrong.
Now at 5,772, from 800-something, in 3 days. :cry
Any other SM sites with this kind of problem?
Appear to be all keyword urls.
"Errors that occurred when your site was crawled by google bot".
"Google was unable to crawl this URL due to an undetermined issue."
One example of the details from one of the problem URLs:
Last crawled: 10/17/15First detected: 10/17/15
Googlebot couldn't access the contents of this URL because the server had an internal error when trying to process the request. These errors tend to be with the server itself, not with the request. More info.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
The numbers are in the thousands.
Today: 3,900 desktop, 4491 other
Smartphone 5529
I see about 200 regular URLs, and most of the rest are keywords.
No matter which URL I click to check, they all go to a valid page.
I'll send a file of them to the help email.