Download image / Download all?

I'm a little worried here...
Before I upgraded to new Smugmug, I created a protected gallery (in Legacy Smugmug), for a recent charity shoot I did, hoping for lots of orders for the said charity, but I just noticed that there was a download button, even while I was logged out. I haven't received many orders and am very worried people have been downloading what they like, is there anyway to find out if images from a particular gallery have been downloaded?
I'm a little worried here...
Before I upgraded to new Smugmug, I created a protected gallery (in Legacy Smugmug), for a recent charity shoot I did, hoping for lots of orders for the said charity, but I just noticed that there was a download button, even while I was logged out. I haven't received many orders and am very worried people have been downloading what they like, is there anyway to find out if images from a particular gallery have been downloaded?
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
I also seem to have lost a whole gallery of wedding photographs???
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
Thanks for getting in touch with us. Unfortunatley, we do not track free downloads through your galleries. You can easily turn off the download buttons for your galleries from the gallery settings in the "Photo Protection" section. With that turned off, your guests will not see the free download buttons.
As for the missing gallery, can you give us a bit more info about that one? What was the title of the gallery and what folder was it stored in on your site? With that, we can see where it is and get it back to where you want it to be.
Standing by,
SmugMug Support
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
Just at work now, will send info about the gallery when I get home.
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
If you get get back to us with the links to the galleries where you are seeing the issues, we would be happy to take a look for you. Also be sure to include the names of your missing galleries so that we can look into that too.
SM Support
For the galleries in question and specifically the most recently created, just before the migration, was set to XL and right click protected, so this can't be the case. The wedding one I looked at was created over two years ago and the gallery should have been set to XL, as this was pretty much my default.
As an email address is required to download the pics via a link, is there anyway to get the number of email addresses from recent downloads? I'm very worried my charity will have lost money if people have been downloading images for free.
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
I'm not seeing any recoverable galleries under the Maria & Yiorgo Wedding, but I do see some that look to be from that same gallery under the "Weddings" gallery. Would you like for me to try to recover those photos for you?
Let me know,
SM Support
I have all files for 'Maria & Yiorgo Wedding', just checked and the photos are all there???
The gallery that has lost all the images is 'Maria Cecilia Vergara Wedding'.
Has anyone been able to look into my other issue, I need to get back to my client this evening.
He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
My website:
I've gone in and checked on the Maria Cecilia Vergara Wedding and I am not seeing any photos in there either. I've gone one of our migration experts taking a look at this right now so hopefully they will be able to bring the photos back in for you. If nothing can be brought back, do you have the photos stored elsewhere so that they can be uploaded to the gallery again?
As for the downloading issue, unfortunately we do not track these free gallery downloads, sorry. I would recommend turning off the download buttons in this event to prevent anyone else from getting the photos for free.
SM Support
I've had our team look into this and it appears as though this gallery has not had any action since January of 2012. On top of that, it does not look like there were ever any photos uploaded to it back then. My recommendation would be to re-upload these photos to the gallery on the New SmugMug so that they'll display for you again.
SM Support