Found this orb web spider happily sitting in a dahlia flower - no web to be seen around. All shots handheld, focus stacked using zerene. 5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash.
Brian V.
Wow! Good set as usual but the last one is special.
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
These are great - good catch finding it where you had something nice to bounce the flash around in too. Always find shots of spiders alone in a web on black can look pretty depressing.
These are great - good catch finding it where you had something nice to bounce the flash around in too. Always find shots of spiders alone in a web on black can look pretty depressing.
Thanks Wayne and SB for looking and commenting
Brian V.
Thanks Piggsy for the comments
Brian v.