
Was traveling this weekend on the way home, when this truck caught my eye behind an abandoned property, house and all. I had to turn around and come back to take this shot. I knocked on the front door of the house which was in poor repair but no one answered. I didn't want to stay there long so I walked into the field and took the shot. This was the shot I saw in my mind when I first saw the truck from the road. Was it worth it?

"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
JBR, I was really worried about the processing. So glad that you like it. Regards!
Taz, this a real boost for me knowing that you approve! :ivar
Don, really means a lot to me that you appreciate the effort!
Carter, glad you like the desaturated look. I thought it would compliment the surroundings. I'm really enjoying the recent efforts you have posted from your camera also!
Cristóbal, thanks!
Richard, most appreciated!