Navigating the result set of images from a search
I've just started fiddling with "search" on my soon to be released site. I haven't been able to figure out how to achieve the functionality I desire and I hope someone here can advise.
I have a "Personal" folder which is password protected and contains personal and family photos. I have five category folders under "Personal", each of which contains galleries. I am using Lightroom's facial recognition to add person name keywords for my family and closest friends, and I have location related keywords as well.
The problem
Let's assume a visitor wants to view all the images I have of a particular family member. These are spread across any number of galleries. The built in search block does retrieve and display the result set of images. But if the visitor clicks on an image, it takes them to that particular gallery where they are able to step through that gallery's images, but not return to the initial result set (as far as I can tell). This is counter-intuitive and inconsistent with the way popular image searches like Google and Bing work.
What I would like
I would like to be able to display the results of a keyword search in a way that the visitor can step through the result set image by image, and optionally navigate into the containing gallery, and then return to the initial result set. Doable?
I have a "Personal" folder which is password protected and contains personal and family photos. I have five category folders under "Personal", each of which contains galleries. I am using Lightroom's facial recognition to add person name keywords for my family and closest friends, and I have location related keywords as well.
The problem
Let's assume a visitor wants to view all the images I have of a particular family member. These are spread across any number of galleries. The built in search block does retrieve and display the result set of images. But if the visitor clicks on an image, it takes them to that particular gallery where they are able to step through that gallery's images, but not return to the initial result set (as far as I can tell). This is counter-intuitive and inconsistent with the way popular image searches like Google and Bing work.
What I would like
I would like to be able to display the results of a keyword search in a way that the visitor can step through the result set image by image, and optionally navigate into the containing gallery, and then return to the initial result set. Doable?
are appended to the /keyword page. So then the /keyword page should, after clicking a name open up the keyword
gallery using that name. They can then advance through all the photos in the KW gallery for the name.
This works for me but I have a top folder with all these sub-folders and galleries below. I put the password on that top
folder and it flows down. All children have blank passwords and inherit that top password.
"Search" is not good because every photo click takes you to its gallery.
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Allen, I have a similar organization to yours with one significant difference. I have two parallel top level folders. One top level is my photography business and site home directory. The other top level is my personal passworded folder, with category subfolders under it and galleries in each subfolder for my personal photos. This "top level" folder is reachable via supplied url rather than menu (i.e., it is not exposed to the business side of the site). The business side of the site is a very flat structure and doesn't need searches or breadcrumbs. The personal side does need search capability and it also needs breadcrumbs for getting back to the top level since there is no exposed menu. This is where my problem arises. The /keyword page clobbers the breadcrumb trail thereby destroying the ability to click back to the top level Personal folder. So the breadcrumbs look like this:
1. [home] > Personal (before entering search criteria)
2. [home] > keyword SEARCH CRITERIA (after entering search criteria)
What I think should be happening is this so the visitor could return to the Personal folder page:
1. [home] > Personal (before entering search criteria)
2. [home] > Personal > Keyword SEARCH CRITERIA (after entering search criteria)
And to the point of my first post, once you reach the search results page (2 in the above examples), it would be much more friendly for the casual visitor if it worked like the Google image search shown here, except replace "Visit Page" with "Visit Gallery", and provide for returning to the result set from the gallery, as Google (and Bing) do with their return from the "Visit Page" (see attached image below).
But for now, if I could just resolve the breadcrumb issue I could move on. Any suggestions on that?