Help to Change Individual Parts of my Map page

I had a basic page set up with a Map block, Recent Galleries block, & Search box at top. It disappeared / failed when the engineers had to manually reset stuff on my site. A hero kindly set it back up for me as best he could, having not really seen the old one. But I haven't been able to get some of it to look or act quite right, and/or like I had it. Here's the page now: (sorry, it may take a long time to load!) So far, can't find ways to improve it w/o CSS. Here are the biggest issues:
- Recent Galleries block is trying to go on & on & on (never stops loading galleries). I'd like it to be set at a certain size or # of galleries, whichever would look best-- say 36 to 48 galleries or a block that ends after 5-8 rows? Also, it's now below the fold (on my screen anyway) so you may not even see it. That brings me to #2:
- Wishing my map block would take up less vertical space, i.e. I'd like a thinner strip of map going across most of the page, but less high, so that Recent Galleries is at least showing slightly if someone wants to scroll to it. My mapped photos would all fall into that mid-range, from US to Asia anyway. (None in Greenland & Antarctica! When not stretchy, the block is stuck at 960 px (wide, I think), but there are no height choices. Currently I think I have it at stretchy, with a percent like 80% on the map block. That brings me to:
- Any guidelines for how to set all those margins options? or Suggest something with CSS &/or percentages which would help the overall look work OK for lots of devices? It's all like blind guesswork to me.
- Search box issues I haven't solved: a. Would like it larger. b. How to change its color & its font-colors & sizes They're all weird. c. There's no little "search" icon like I used to have d. It used to have the "photos, videos, galleries etc." wording somewhere .( Maybe it's a completely different content block than I had before; idk.) e. Does a search result have to take you to a completely different page? That feels weird too.
- Question: Do map blocks have an unchangeable 1000-photo limit? and /or a 48-gallery limit?
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Choose "customize content and design" -> in the menu on the right side choose "feed" -> in the "Basic" tab of the new pop up window go down to "Limit number of items" and choose the appropriate number
2. try to add this to your css-code ("this page"-level should be enough to get it working) 3. Not sure what you need.
5. Yes, the maximum is at 1000 photos. But you can add a map specifically for one or more folders / galleries and than each of these would have the 1000 photos restriction.
Look at this for example on my page: I just added three maps one for Europe, one for the US and one for New Zealand (those for galleries like HDR or Macro will probably follow at some point)
4. I need to come back for this one...but it is time for my bed here now...but then maybe someone else takes it before I can manage to come back
Best of luck
Lille Ulven
Thanks a mil for taking a look at it, Lille-- & hope you're getting some shut-eye. Well, unfortunately I wasn't successful with implementing changes yet-- but maybe I'm just not finding the correct places to do these tweaks. As far as limiting the "Recent Galleries" block, I'm not finding any "feed" area except after I hit "Customize > Content & Design > Just this page > Content > Social > Feed". That's a content block that doesn't appear connected with anything that's already on my page. If I click the wrench on my "Recent Galleries" block that's on my map page, there are no options related to "feed", or size of the block, etc... So Idk if I'm doing something wrong, but I'm just not seeing anywhere to "limit number of items" etc. :cry
I also tried adding the code to my CSS, & tried a couple different height restrictions (currently it's set at 150 px) but I'm not seeing a change on my page. I'll leave the code there for now, I guess, til I hear more.
Incidentally, I don't see where people are finding any other place to add code besides clicking the wrench beside my Custom Theme, no matter what page I'm on at the time. If I hit "Customize", I see options of "Entire Site, All Folders, Just this page", etc. However, the only place I can ever find to add code is by then clicking "Theme" & it brings up my custom theme w/ a wrench beside it. Clicking that brings up a box that has Basic & Advanced. When I go in that box, no matter what page I've been on, all my CSS is there. So confusing... I just cannot find another place to add CSS. So it's possible that code didn't work because I'm putting it in the wrong place. Sorry for all the trouble.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
From the help page at --- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Oh gosh-- thanks, Denise! I thought I recalled reading something like that somewhere, but I misunderstood the use of it. And actually, I tried dragging one of those HTML or CSS content blocks briefly this afternoon, but it was acting like it wanted to take up actual real estate, not just be a virtual block making stuff happen behind the scenes! So again I figured it had another use that I wasn't understanding.
So, if the CSS I'm putting in happens to have some HTML color codes (hex codes) mixed into it, do I need the HTML & CSS box, or just the CSS box? I hope I can figure out how many content areas to include (folders, galleries, entire site, etc) for the different code blocks I've already put in & should possibly move. I'm trying to keep my site set up in a way that I could change the theme sometime & not throw the whole thing for a loop... but I may have already made that really tough; idk.
It's been tough to even deal with customizing that map page because the Recent Galleries block keeps loading & loading. I still haven't figured out how to limit the number of images/galleries it's fetching. Slow computer...
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
You might want to reconsider use of the recent galleries block. I looked at it ages ago and decided not to use it because it doesn't only pull what I would consider to be recent galleries. I looked at a couple of the galleries in the block you titled Recent Galleries and they appear to be quite old. I keep a running gallery on my site that contains one photo for each gallery as I've added the galleries, with the newest gallery at the top of the list. It is linked from my blog and can be viewed at Text in the photo caption allows the viewer to click to the gallery. I also have a page that I use to highlight new galleries, linked from the kaleidoscope entry in my menu - Maybe something like this could help your viewers find you latest galleries.
I would also suggest rethinking your home page and your map & recent page. It may be me, but when I see a full page slideshow or any full page element on the page I very rarely scroll down to see if anything else is below the visible page. Watch someone new to your site navigating to get a sense of how they navigate it.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
They are just added by using the "galleries"-item from the right menu (if you are in "customize content and design" - Add Content Block - Galleries).
What you could do to get only a certain number of recently changed galleries is:
1) Remove that content block which you have now - or better create a new page for testing first.
2) Go into any one of your galleries and from the share-menu choose "get a link"
3) In the "get a link window" go to the tab "feed links" and in the section "create a feed wizard"
choose: Feed = recent galleries; Format = RSS; Size = Thumb
click on the button below called "generate your feed"
and copy that link
4) now go back to your page (either the test page or the map page, which ever you prefer to work on)
5) choose "customize content and design"
6) add a new content block from the subsection "social" of the type "feed" by dragging it onto your site
7) Enter the url you copied into the field "Feed URL" give the feed a name and restrict the number of items shown in the customizer of this feed-item.
This should give you what you need to show your recently updated galleries.
Let us know if this has worked out and then we'll see if we can work out how to make your map smaller
Best of luck
Lille Ulven
Thanks so much, both of you-- & more soon; I'm gathering ideas. First though-- I'm feeling very stupid again, but I simply can't find any "Share" menu in trying to follow Lille's steps to getting a new Recent Galleries feed! I'm logged in, tried every visible button, the "Organize" section... aaargh.
Hard to find former stuff, as I have no SmugMug-style galleries anymore (not by choice-- but when engineers re-set my themes a second time to inherit the site-wide theme, every single gallery went to collage style) I haven't even begun to figure out how to tackle that problem. I've been scared to, because I fear that thousands of hand-cropped square thumbs are probably gone, & furthermore, when I did try to set a gallery back to "Smug-style", I found in its settings that it already is set that way, but is simply appearing to be set as collage like every other gallery! I guess it's another problem for another day, but I keep stumbling around in collage style, so it keeps interfering with other problems of re-creating my site.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Change to another style here
customize > Gallery Style > pick a style
My Website index | My Blog
No way to change whole folders from the site's apparent new default (collage style) back to SmugMug style though? (esp. if lots of galleries already have SmugMug-style selected in their original settings from legacy?)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Well, I tried the feed thing. (It's still on the page for now) I'm very glad to finally learn how to use that, as I hadn't ever tried it, so thank you!! I think it could be very handy for certain situations. I'm going to think of another way to use it on my site. However, in that block that I wanted to be "Recent Galleries", I really wanted a block completely full of thumbs or small photos, w/ just the gallery titles showing. For some reason, the feed isn't working that way-- it's instead displaying a list down the left side, with a very small gallery thumb & too much text & space, & lots of empty space in the middle & right of my screen. (I tried toggling various buttons, but didn't find anything that causes just a tiled block of thumbs or small-sized images. I'm going to try a different block. Sure wish I could remember what I had before-- it seemed to work so easily & seamlessly & didn't keep loading pics like the other one. I must've just chosen it from that list in "Customize".
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Highlight "all folders" in right flyout, then click wrench at top of box. Change the style to grid.
or you can make some single folders to show grid by making the folder "Just This Folder" and change to
grid on specific folder pages.
Grid shows square thumbs "actually middle of photo" for all galleries.
See any folder on my site. I use medium instead of small.
My Website index | My Blog
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Even though...what I just said before.. well, I was trying to find this setting anyway. So, I'm on my "Art" top folder. Clicked Customize. > Content & Design > Blue Highlighted "All Folders" appears at right .> The only wrench I find then is if I click "Theme". Not seeing any gallery styles settings in that. Did you mean click "Make this Folder Custom"? I'm always afraid to click that one, because I don't know if (as the dialog implies) that folder will never inherit anymore settings, or it just won't inherit certain site-wide settings, such as the one I'm now making!! The dialog needs more info.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
should appear in its title bar. This will affect all folder pages.
BUT, if you are experimenting first click "Make This Folder Custom". Now you can play with this page without
affecting all folders. After playing click the "X" after "Just This Folder" on right flyout to remove your changes.
My Website index | My Blog
I'm not saying there used to be a way in old Smug. There wasn't, to my knowledge. (maybe quick settings?) But the problem is, I'd already set most of my galleries to Smug style when I originally created them. They got re-set to a site-wide setting the 2nd time engineers had to re-set my site. But oddly, if I look in a gallery's settings that used to be SmugMug style, it's still set that way. But I look at that same gallery's appearance, & it's collage instead (the site default). This gallery, for instance, if you look in its internal settings, it says "SmugMug Style" however, it's displaying in the default Collage style.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I don't know if you ever saw my later post about this whole matter, Lille (that for this particular page, I was hoping for a grid-work of thumbs or images, rather than just a feed going down one side of my page). But anyway, I also wanted to post back to say that a couple weeks ago, I solved the problem I was having of the Recent Galleries block just going & going & going. I'm feeilng rather sheepish posting back about it, because I learned there's an option right in the dialog box (I think it's the very last option) for limiting the number of rows of gallery images!! So I was able to limit my rows to 5 or so, which completely solves the problem I had of the constant loading of photos! If that option was there before (& I assume it was), I'm very embarrassed that I didn't see it. I looked at that dialog box maybe 10 times before posting about the problem, so idk how I missed it. So in case someone else is stuck, just limit the number of rows, & Recent Galleries or Recent Photos blocks won't keep loading indefinitely.
I did not, however, get my map problem solved yet. So far no one's come up with a way to get the map on this page to take up a lot less height. I'd tried some code that Lille posted earlier in this thread, but didn't notice a difference in height of the map. My goal is to have it still stretch across the page to the side margins, but not be as tall (take up less space vertically). Any other ideas on how to do that? This would help the Recent Photos or Recent Galleries block to be partially visible. Right now, that block is below the fold on most screens, so most people wouldn't know it's there. I'd had a chat with a Hero, who helped me fix that 1st problem (fewer rows in the galleries block) above, but didn't get the map figured out. Someone was going to get back to me about the map, but I've not heard back. Someone did move my breadcrumb to the middle, & I want it on the left instead. I'm not sure if I just need to get rid of all the CSS that's in the box on that page or just the part that says something about centering the text. That person started doing a couple things on my page because they accidentally responded to the wrong person's chat, so that's how that happened. If no one here has an idea on how to shrink the map's height, I'll try another chat.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Try this:
Adjust the height to suit.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
With those caveats out of the way, these are my thoughts about the rest: Yes, I agree in general about the Recent Galleries block. I've known for yrs that both that & Recent Photos unfortunately grab photos & galleries where edits have happened, such as cropping, moving, color correction, etc. It's a shame this hasn't been fixed yet. I continued to use them in the good faith that SmugMug would fix them so they'd work correctly (or as expected-- displaying instead recent uploads and/or recently created galleries, etc.) It's disappointing those the same issues came thru to New SmugMug. I guess I'll leave the block there for now, but not forever, if its behavior stays that way. I'd thought that Recent Galleries would be less likely to show multiple frames of the same photo, which it does. However, I didn't realize it was going to use the Featured Photo for each gallery, rather than instead using a photo that was recently tweaked in that gallery as the feature.
So yes, I agree.. it doesn't get fresh stuff in front of viewers, & old gallery photos show up, rather than a thumb of a new photo added to that old gallery as I'd hoped. I also agree about the map on that page-- that's partly why I started this thread, because I really want the map height lower (like in my Legacy site, maybe half the height) so that visitors can see that there's more below without scrolling. It seems there's gotta be some way to do it.. I'd also like, as I said in my OP, for the little search box to be larger & more unique. It blends in too much.
I really do like your idea of the running gallery on your site, & recall that I'd hoped to do something similar & never did. I need to think of an easy way to do it. Do you make a copy of one photo from each gallery then, or do you collect a virtual copy? (I forget, & can't check while writing this). I guess doing a collected photo from each new gallery would be an easy way for me to accomplish this, except that in New SmugMug, the text showing where a collected photo came from is so tiny & unnoticeable.. I've changed the actual wording of the text (using one of Aaron's ideas) but not sure if the font size is changeable, or how to know what it's already set at. It's also below my keywords when I'm logged in, frustrating when I myself want to see it.
One thing I did start doing retroactively that will in the future keep some recently-uploaded photos (often collected from other galleries) in front of people is this: I have a "Photo per Week" gallery going on my Portfolio page (so far only 2010 to 2015), partly started for my own interest as a type of visual diary. I'll change the number of yrs represented per gallery as I move forward (and back) in time with this, so that there are maybe 5 or fewer pages per gallery. (I'm not strict -- some weeks have more than one photo, too) Quite a few of these are collected, if I have a whole gallery from that week. Of course these aren't always my best photos artistically; they serve a different purpose.
I've always loved your "Kaleidoscope" idea too, & have visited that page many times. That works really well, & truly accomplishes the goal of getting newer stuff out in front. The thing is, the word itself is also attractive... now if I could just come up with a great word like that..! I do have one idea... we'll see... My blog is a sad story. It's always taken me so long each time to figure out the actual mechanics of posting, that it's gotten in the way of actually doing it. I know it should be updated regularly the way yours is... just wish it were simpler. What should take me 15 mins when I know what photo & what the basic text will be, takes me an hr or hrs because the formula for making it consistent is too complicated for me. Now SmugMug just changed the whole "share" panel, so I'll have to completely re-do whatever shambles of a formula I once had.
About homepage slideshows-- I guess for me it feels like the easiest way to rotate some photos for visitors, but maybe it should be revisited. I really wish it were random start instead of random order, but we've no option for that in the dialog. ,Maybe with CSS? I'm not sure my show is really quite full-screen like some folks', as I have all panoramic (1:2 ratio) images in it. I know that doesn't help everyone's screen view, but part of my rationale for it was actually so that visitors may see that there's something below it. Also, the page loads from the bottom, so they should usually see the Seascape carousel. I did frankly just kinda plunk a carousel there for now, however, until I have a better idea! It's not a big deal to me if it gets missed; I'm crazy about the ocean myself, but not everyone is, so others can move on to something they like. I think the SmugMug carousel style, with a scrollbar, is a bit funky. It would be great to lose the scrollbar... Other sites allow you to just grab onto the images with the mouse or finger on a touchscreen-- much nicer. I s'pose someone put a patent on that & kept it from us; who knows... Oh my, so much consider in planning one's site!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)