Vimeo video block title resize problem
I have a page with several Vimeo video blocks on it. The page is stretchy. It looks fine on large monitors and on my smartphone. But on mid-size devices like tablets some titles wrap as the thumbs resize smaller. This throws off the alignment of the thumbs. One option I could use is to create in Photoshop a thumb image for each video with the title embedded in the thumb. But is there a better way, perhaps with CSS? I would like the title to resize gracefully with the video thumb.
I'm bumping this in hopes there is an easier way before I spend the effort to replace my Vimeo thumbs with titled thumbs. Can anyone suggest a way to place a title or caption over, or in the Vimeo video content block so that it resizes properly with the thumb?
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Thanks for the reply Mike. Unfortunately I haven't published yet. I have decided to go ahead and create a titled thumb for the Vimeo videos. The Vimeo video block doesn't give you much control over the title - on/off and small/medium/large. Small text is still too large and when you resize the page, the text wraps as the thumbs become smaller. If the title for one thumb is longer than the others it will wrap while the others don't, and this throws off the vertical alignment of the thumbs.
I don't have video on my site, so I probably can't help w/o seeing it.
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I think the best solution would be if I could physically break every title into three lines with the 2nd and 3rd lines possibly blank for a really short title. I tried putting "br" tags in the title but this did not force new lines. Another possible option might be to significantly reduce the size of the text beyond what it is when "small" is selected.
I'm still pursuing this because I can't think of any way other than the title to embed SEO information that Google will find related to the video. So if you have any suggestions on that I might be able to do without the titles.
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Remove this in green and change this in red:
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Yes, you can put it on each page, or if you want to add it to your theme's CSS, find the page node...
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I looked at your website - it is stunningly beautiful. Great photography, articles and blog, and style. I read the SEO article - good info there. I have assumed the Vimeo video block title will carry some weight with Google SEO. We'll see.
PS - I thought I had tried CSS at the page level and it had not worked, but it does and this is the perfect solution to my problem.
As far as SEO, having a great <title> element and text (a good amount of text) is the best. Simply just having a picture, or in your case a video block, with just a title isn't going to carry much weight.
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Now when I go to one of my real published pages and open it in customize mode I see the above CSS code when I click on the CSS wrench for "Just this page". But it isn't styling the vimeo titles. What gives here? Why would I see another page's CSS code in the code that is just for this page? And where do the code that I want use to style the Vimeo title?
Just when I get cocky and think I am understanding the New SM... well you know.
Can you post a link if you're still having issues?
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A comment block should be /* ... */
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I didn't put the titles in since I'm published now and I couldn't get them to display properly. But I'll go ahead and add test titles to each so you can see what isn't happening.
You may need to add more 'height' and 'margin-top' if your titles are longer.
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My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Mike, they look reasonable on a full monitor but they don't hold their relative position when resizing to smaller devices. I left the "real" titles in so you can look at them.
Those titles are all on one line, so you shouldn't need the code. That said, I created a test page and added five video (You-Tube) blocks ( I added this:
I set two different break-points so the titles re-size properly. Depending on your font and/or size, you may need to adjust the height. If you're using vimeo change 'youtube' to 'vimeo'.
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